Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

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Summit-Seed-Library-Large - Alleghany Highlands Regional Library

In agriculture and gardening, seed storage (sometimes known as brown bagging ) is the practice of saving seeds or other reproduction materials (eg tubers) from vegetables, grains, herbs , and flowers for yearly use for a year and nuts, fruit trees, and berries for hard plants and trees. This is the way traditional farms and gardens are maintained over the last 12,000 years.

In the last few decades, beginning in the latter part of the 20th century, there has been a major shift to buying seeds annually from commercial seed suppliers. Most of the current grassroots seed rescue activities are home gardeners.

Video Seed saving


In order to succeed in saving seedlings, new skills need to be developed to ensure that desired characteristics are maintained in a variety of crop varieties. An important consideration is the separation distance required from the plant of the same species to ensure that cross pollination with other varieties does not occur, and the minimum number of crops to be planted that will preserve the inherent genetic diversity. It is also important to recognize the preferred characteristics of the grown cultivars so that non-breeding plants are selected against, and to understand the breeding of cultivar improvements. Seed-borne diseases must be recognized so they can be eliminated. The seed saving method should be good enough to maintain seed survival. The seeding requirements must be known so that periodic tests can be performed.

Care should be taken, as training materials on seed production, cleaning, storage, and maintenance often focus on making landraces more uniform, different and stable (usually for commercial applications) that can result in the loss of valuable adaptive properties unique to local varieties.

In addition, there is a problem of local properties to consider. In the upper northern hemisphere, and the southern lower part, one sees seasonal changes in winter cold. Many plants go to seed and then go to sleep. These seeds must hibernate until spring each.

Maps Seed saving

Open pollination

Open pollination is an important aspect of seed storage. Plants that breed through nature mean tend to adapt to local conditions over time, and evolve as reliable players, especially in their area, known as landraces or "people's varieties."

The History of Seed Saving â€


Although saving seeds and even swapping seeds with other farmers for biodiversity purposes has become a traditional practice, this practice has become illegal for plant varieties that are patented or owned by some entities (often corporations). According to Article 28 of the World Trade Organization Agreement on the Trade Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement), "planting, harvesting, storing, replanting and trading patented seeds, or plants containing cell and gene patents, constitute use "and may in some cases be prohibited by the WTO Member's intellectual property law.

Significantly, farmers in developing countries are severely affected by the prohibition of seed storage. There is some protection for reuse, called "peasant privilege", in the 1991 International Union for the Protection of New Plant Varieties (UPOV Convention), but the exchange of seeds remains prohibited.

In the United States, the farmers' privilege of saving seeds for subsequent crops is deemed protected by the Plant Variety Protection Act of 1970. American farmers, by estimate, can sell seeds to the amount saved to replant their own areas.

The view ends in the later part of the 20th and early 21st centuries, with changes in technology and law. First, in 1981 Diamond v. Chakrabarty stipulates that companies can obtain patents for life forms - originally genetically engineered unicellular bacteria. In 2002 J.E.M. Ag Supply v. Pioneer stipulates that a valid utility patent may be issued to a plant that is sexually reproduced, such as a seed plant (eg, corn). In 2013 Bowman v. Monsanto Co. stipulates that it is a patent infringement for farmers to save the plant seed (soy in that case) and plant the next crop from them, if the seed or plant is patented. Seed companies can gain huge gains from control over commercial seed supplies, and consequently further loss of control has been withdrawn from US farmers during their agricultural production process.

Seed Saving: Peas | Save Your Own Pea Seed - Allotment & Gardens

See also

  • Genebank Grains Australia
  • Heirloom plant
  • Navdanya
  • Seed library
  • Seed Saving Network
  • Seedy Sunday

The Seed Garden: The Art and Practice of Seed Saving - YouTube


How to Save Marigold Seeds - Seed Saving Guide - YouTube

Further reading

  • Ashworth, Suzanne & amp; Whealy, Kent; Seeds for Seed: Seed Conservation Technique for Vegetable Gardener , Seeder Seed Exchange, 2002. ISBN 978-1-882424-58-0
  • Beck, Edward; Seed Packages Saved by Older Gardeners , 2008. ISBNÃ, 978-0-559-85468-2
  • Deppe, Carol; Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties: Farmers and Farmers Guides for Plant Breeding and Seed Saving , Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2000. ISBN 978-1-890132-72-9
  • Fanton, Michel, and Jude; "The Seed Savers' Handbook", Network Seed Savers, 1993. ISBNÃ, 0-646-10226-5
  • Mcgrath, Mike; Store and sprinkle your favorite vegetable seeds , Quirk Books (Stati Uniti), 2009. ISBNÃ, 978-1-59474-289-7
  • Vellve, Renee; Saving seeds: genetic diversity and European agriculture , Londra, Earthscan Publications, 1992. ISBNÃ, 1-85383-150-6
  • Whealy, Kent; Garden Seed Inventory: Inventory of Seed Catalogs Lists All Non-Hybrid Vegetable Seeds Available in USA and Canada , Seeder Seed Exchange, 2005. ISBN: 978-1-882424-60-3
  • Introduction Seed Savings for Home Gardener, University of Maine, Cooperative Bulletin Extension 2750

How to Save Swiss Chard Seed - Seed Saving Tutorial - YouTube

External links

  • Seed Savers Exchange
  • Grassroots Seed Network
  • The Australian National Seed - Savers Network
  • South Seed Savers Network
  • International Seed Savings Institute
  • Seed and Seed Saving Resources
  • Organic Seed Alliance - Seed Production Guide - for Northwest USA .
  • Seeds & amp; Asylum Plant for Canada

Source of the article : Wikipedia
