The Bachelor of Laws (Latin: Legum Baccalaureus LL.B. or BL ) is a law degree (or first professional degree in law, depending on jurisdiction) originating from the UK and offered in Japan and the most common legal jurisdiction - except the United States and Canada - as a degree that allows one to become a lawyer. It has historically served this purpose in the US as well, but was removed in the mid-1960s in favor of the Juris Doctor title, and Canada followed suit.
Historically, in Canada, the Bachelor of Laws is the name of the first degree in general law, but also the first title name in Quebec's civil law granted by a number of Quebec universities. Canadian Common Law LL.B. its programs, in practice, a two-level professional degree, meaning that most of them are accepted at LL.B. The program already holds one or more degrees, or, at least (with very few exceptions), has completed two years of study in the first entry, a bachelor's degree in another discipline. Currently, the Bachelor of Laws is also the name of the first degree in Scottish law and South African law (both are pluralistic legal systems based partly on general law and partly on civil law) provided by a number of universities in Scotland and South Africa, respectively.
Video Bachelor of Laws
History of academic degrees
The first academic degrees are all law degrees in medieval universities, and the first law degree is a doctorate. The foundation of the first university is the glossator of the 11th century, which is also a law school. The first university, from Bologna, was founded as a law school by four famous law scholars in the 12th century who were students of the city's glossator school. The University of Bologna serves as a model for other law schools of medieval times. While it is common for law students to visit and study in schools in other countries, it is not the case with Britain because of Britain's rejection of Roman law (except for certain jurisdictions like the Admiralty Court), and although the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge did teach law the canon to the British Reformation, its importance is always higher than the civil law in these institutions.
Maps Bachelor of Laws
Origin LL.B.
"LL.B." abbreviation Legum Baccalaureus in Latin. "LL." The acronym for the title is from genitive
The bachelor's degree comes from the University of Paris, whose system is applied in Oxford and Cambridge. The "art" title designation traditionally signifies that students have performed a number of classical studies. In continental Europe, graduate degrees were gradually phased out in the 18th century or early 19th century but continued in Oxford and Cambridge.
The teaching of law at the University of Oxford is for philosophical or scientific purposes and is not intended to prepare a person for practicing law. Professional training to practice common law in the UK was conducted at Inns of Court, but over time, the training function of the inn was significantly reduced and the apprenticeship with individual practitioners emerged as a prominent preparatory medium. However, due to the lack of standardized study and objective standards for appraisal, the role of the university is important for the education of lawyers in the English-speaking world.
In England in 1292 when Edward first asked lawyers to be trained, the students just sat in court and watched, but over time the students would hire professionals to give lectures to them in their homes, which led to the institution of the District Court system. The original method of education at the Court Inn is a mixture of practices and lectures such as courts, as well as observations of litigation. In the seventeenth century, lodging gained status as a sort of university resembling the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, although very particular in purpose. With often no suitable parties during the Crusades, the importance of the role of lawyers grew enormously, and the demand for lawyers grew.
Traditionally Oxford and Cambridge see no common law as a viable study, and include lectures in law only in the context of canons and civil law and for the purposes of philosophy or history studies only. The apprenticeship program for lawyers appears, structured and governed by the same rules as the apprenticeship program for commerce. The training of lawyers by apprenticeship was formally established by parliamentary action in 1729. William Blackstone became the first lecturer in English general law at the University of Oxford in 1753, but the university did not set the program for professional study purposes, and his lectures were very philosophical and theoretical. Blackstone insists that legal studies should be university-based, where concentrations on basic principles can be had, not concentration on detail and procedures through apprenticeship and Lodging Court.
The Inns of Court continued but became less effective and entry into the bar still did not require any significant educational activity or examination, therefore in 1846 Parliament examined the education and training of prospective lawyers and found the system to be inferior to legal education provided in the United States. Therefore, formal law schools are requested, but not finally established until the end of this century, and even then the bar does not consider the university degree in the admission decision. When the degree of law is required by British bar and bar associations in other common law countries, LL.B. become a uniform degree for lawyers in the common law countries.
Structure LL.B. program
Historically, law students study both canon law and civil law. Today, this is less common. However, some institutions, such as the Cardiff University's Law Department (Ecclesiastical), and the combined programs of McGill University and the University of Ottawa continue to offer an alternative to common law.
Common law countries are generally
In most common law countries (with the exception of Canada and the US), the Bachelor of Laws program is generally incorporated directly after completing high school. In England and Wales it is also possible to study a program for conversion to the legal profession after completing a previously unlicensed law degree (Graduate Diploma in Law), which entitles graduates to take vocational courses for entry into the legal profession. Master's courses are also offered to university graduates; those who graduate from the course (s) are eligible to use the initials LL.M.
The study program for general law LLB may be a post-admission degree program requiring a prior bachelor's degree (normally three years duration) or it can be done directly after high school (usually four years duration) or combined with another degree (ie, BComm/LLB , BA/LLB, or BSc/LLB, the duration may vary between five and seven years, depending on the specific combination).
In addition, out of thirty-six law schools, thirteen of these universities also began offering Juris Doctor (JD) as a postgraduate degree.
In Bangladesh, as in other common law countries, obtaining a Bachelor of Law (LL.B.) is a prerequisite for practicing as an advocate in court. Both are LL.B. and LL.B. Degree (Hons.) Offered at public and private universities. Only seven state universities offer LL.B. Degree (Hons.). These universities also offer LL.M. one year. courses. Some private universities also offer four-hear LL.B. (Hons.) Degree and LLM one year. courses. The National University of Bangladesh also offers LL.B. two years. degree for graduate subjects other than law.
Canada has a dual legal system. In the province of Quebec, the civil law system was used. At the federal level, as well as in every province or territory except Quebec, the legal system is commonly used. Because of this, there are two common Canadian law titles in use.
Study program for LL.B. Common law is a bachelor's degree, a professional. Now replaced by J.D in almost all Canadian law schools (McGill is the exception). While a given degree is at the first level level and admissions may be granted to applicants with two or three years of undergraduate study towards a degree, in practice, entrants to the program generally hold a bachelor's degree prior to enrollment in a law program. A large number holds a postgraduate degree as well. (See Juris Doctor in Canada)
The common law program is three years in length. After graduation, a person holds a Bachelor of Laws degree, but has not been able to practice law. To practice law, graduates must obtain a license from the Law Society in the province where he wants to practice law, which also takes a year to articulate. Those law graduates who want to become law professors instead of lawyers often earn a more advanced academic degree, such as Master of Laws (LL.M.) or Doctor of Laws (LL.D, S.J.D or D.C.L).
The civil law program in Canada is three years old. The study program for the first degree in civil law of Quebec (called LL.B., B.C.L. or LL.L.) is the first admission degree program. Like any other first entering university program in Quebec, it requires a college diploma to enter.
School law that offers civil law B.C.L., LL.B., or LL.L. degree including McGill University, Università © de MontrÃÆ' © al, Università ©  © de Qua  © bec ÃÆ' MontrÃÆ' © al, Università © de Sherbrooke, Università © Laval and University of Ottawa.
Due to Canada's multiple legal system, some law schools offer joint or double degree of common law and civil law. McGill University, Università © de Montrà ©  © al, Università ©  © de Sherbrooke and the University of Ottawa are law schools offering such a degree.
The law degree offered by McGill University is a mandatory joint law of LL.B./Quebec civil law B.C.L. degree. The program is four years long. Admission to the program is the first entry program in the case of Quebec students (as a college diploma is required) while it is the second entry program in the case of students from other provinces (due to two years of university study required - effective one extra year of study more than for a college diploma ). The University of Ottawa offers its own civil law degree (LL.L.).
A number of Canadian law schools offer students the opportunity to earn, in addition to their first three-year degree in common law, a program in common law for holders of baccalaureate degrees in civil law of Quebec that enable individuals to earn LL.B. in general law in two or three semesters, depending on the university program offered. Similarly, the University of Ottawa offers, in addition to LL.L. three years. program in Quebec civil law, LL.L. one year program in Quebec civil law for holders of LL.B. or a J.D. degree in general law from a Canadian law school.
In addition, some Canadian universities with law school law schools have agreements with Canadian universities with Quebec civil law law school that allow students to earn a home law school law degree in three years and a law school exchange degree in fourth year.
Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, three universities, including The University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the City University of Hong Kong, provide legal studies with an LL.B or JD degree, where the former is for students after high school, and the last one is for title holders. LL.B is 4 years old, while J.D. is 2 years. Students who have an LL.B or J.D degree, whether awarded by an accredited local university or university abroad, will be eligible to apply for admission to PCLL, a 1-year legal qualification program in Hong Kong.
Above LL.B, the University of Hong Kong offers a range of Mixed-Degree programs that allow students to take the first degree and then have the option to take a liaison law degree, including Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) (abbreviated as "BBA (Law) & amp LLB ", or as B-Law), Bachelor of Social Science (Government & Laws) (" BSocSc (Govt & Laws) & amp; LLB ", or as G-Law), and Bachelor of Arts Literary Studies) ("BA & LLB", or as A-Law). The previous Mixed-degree program also includes Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering).
In India, legal education is traditionally offered as a three-year bachelor's degree conferring a Bachelor of Law (LL.B./B.L.). The eligibility requirement for this degree is that applicants already have a bachelor's degree in any field from a recognized institution. However, on the advice of the Indian Law Commission and also gave a call to reform the Indian Bar Council, an Indian legal education body, instituted in an experiment in the case of establishing a special national law university solely devoted to legal education. similar to the Indian Institutes of Technology, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, the Indian Institute of Management, etc. to raise the academic standards of the legal profession in India. Thus, the first Indian National Law School was established in Bangalore called the National Law School of the University of India (popular 'NLS' or 'NLSIU'). NLSIU offers and continues to offer a five-year legal program after successfully completing an integrated title under the title "B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)" Will be awarded. Based on this, other National Law Schools include the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research University of Law, Hyderabad (NALSAR) and the National Juridical Science University, Kolkata (WBNUJS) was established which manages a five year (5 years) graduate degree program and awarded honors (Hons.) "," B.Sc., LL.B (Hons.) "," B.Com., "and" LL.B (Hons.) "And" BSW, LL.B (Hons.) ". In the first two years of the B.A. program, LL.B (Hons.), Students are taught Social Sciences (History, Political Science, Sociology and Economics) related to B.A. together with standard legal subjects, such as lawsuits, contracts and constitutional laws and in the B.Sc., LL.B (Hons.) program, students are taught the combination of Physical, Life, and Applied Sciences associated with B.Sc. along with standard legal subjects, such as lawsuits, contracts and constitutional laws. In the first two years of the BBA program, LL.B (Hons.), B.Com., LL.B (Hons.) And BSW, LL.B (Hons.), Students are taught regular subjects associated with BBA, B. Com. and B.S.W each along with the standard legal subject as mentioned earlier. In the last three years of all five programs, legal subjects dominate the curriculum. The eligibility requirement for an integrated five-year law degree is that applicants must have successfully completed Class XII of the Board of Education recognized in India such as CISCE, CBSE, etc.
Both types of degrees are recognized as well as qualifying degrees for the practice of the legal profession in India. A holder of both types of degree may approach the Bar Council of any State in India and obtain compliance with the required standards, listed on the roll of the Bar Board. The registration process licenses the holder to practice before a trial in India and provides legal advice. All post registration and post-registration professional procedures are regulated and overseen by the Indian Bar Council.
Today, almost all Indian universities offer LL.B. five years integrated. programs while others continue to offer traditional three-year programs. College of Legal Studies at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun offers two years of LL.B. program, Energy Technology B.Tech LL.B. (Hons.) With Specialization in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and B.Tech Computer Science & amp; Technique LL.B. (Hons.) With Specialization in Cyber ​​â € <â €
Malaysia inherited the general legal system of the British colonial period. However, unlike Britain and some other Commonwealth countries, Malaysia adopts a legal profession that merges with legal practitioners who act both as lawyers and by "lawyers". Therefore all lawyers are eligible and acceptable in the High Court as legal professionals entitled to be granted under the title "Advocates & Attorneys". This applies to both lawyers who practice in Peninsular Malaysia (Malaya) and State of Sabah & amp; Sarawak.
Under the 1976 Legal Profession Act, a person is considered a qualified person to be accepted as an Advocate & amp; Attorney if she completes and passes Bar Vocational Course course in UK & amp; Wales from any Inns of Court, pass the Certificate in Legal Practice or complete LL.B. 4 years. (Honors) course from one of the following Universities: -
- Malaya University
- National University of Malaysia
- The International Islamic University of Malaysia
- Mara Technological Institute University
- Malaysia Multimedia University
- North University of Malaysia
- Sultan Zainal Abidin University
New Zealand
LL.B. needed to be able to practice law in New Zealand. LL.B. it usually takes four years to complete after high school, and is combined with other degree programs, such as Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) or Bachelor of Arts (B.A.).
Six New Zealand universities offer LL.B. program:
- Auckland University
- Auckland University of Technology
- Waikato University
- University of Victoria Wellington
- University of Canterbury
- Otago University
Pakistan is a common law state and a lawyer in Pakistan, a person needs a law degree called LL.B. from a Pakistani university or a foreign university from a common law state recognized by the Bar Council of Pakistan. Lawyers in Pakistan are called supporters . An advocate must be a member of one of the provincial Bar Council, namely, Punjab Bar Council, Barh Council, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Council Board, Balochistan Bar Council or Islamabad Bar Council.
In Singapore, LL.B. may be awarded by the National University of Singapore or Singapore Management University after 4 years (8 semesters) of study. Ownership of LLB with Second Class Under the honor of NUS or Average Value 3,00 from SMU is required to be summoned to the Singapore Bar.
NUS also offers LL.B. 3 years. (Honors) courses for graduate law students, with SMU offering an equivalent Juris Doctor program.
South Africa
In South Africa, LL.B. offered at both undergraduate and graduate levels. In 1996 it was a universal legal qualification and only for the practice of law, replacing the existing B. juris and B.Proc degrees. The undergraduate program, offered since 1998, requires four years of study. At the graduate level, the program generally takes three years. Some South African universities offer B.A. and a BCom degree with a "Law" department, and these graduates then take a two-year graduate program. Some universities also offer a one year program for holders of the BProc degree.
The curriculum is usually structured around beginning, core and advanced courses, and most universities also offer elective courses. The introductory course introduces students to the background and foundation of the South African legal system, and with legal thinking and analysis in general. Core subjects are those that are regularly required for legal practice. The advanced courses (usually) consist of further studies in these core subjects, deepening and/or extending appropriate student knowledge. Options - often consisting of these advanced courses, among others - allow students to specialize in a particular field of law, to some extent, by choosing from various optional courses. Some universities also require students to complete experience-based courses ("Practical Legal Studies"/"Law clinic"); credits consisting of independent research exclusively often offered as an option, and in some universities are degree requirements.
Bachelor LL.B. can depart from this structure. Depending on the university, the curriculum will comprise legal subjects exclusively, or may include humanities subjects so as to prepare graduates with "broad-based" law education. Some undergraduate programs do not offer elective courses. Credits in English and African are also frequently included. Along with Latin, this is, but no longer, "subjects that are forced by law", and usually the entry requirements for LL.B., have been studied as undergraduate modules. Similarly, earlier Roman Law was a preliminary course, whereas, at both postgraduate and bachelor level, it is now offered as an elective.
Note that the undergraduate program structure is under review. The issues noted are: graduates of these programs look less prepared for the profession than those who pursue LLB graduates; only 20% of arrivals complete the program in four years; only about 50% of graduates here who enter the legal profession at all. Furthermore, there are those who question the academic standards of a new degree. Some universities have now stopped the program; in other cases undergraduate students are required to register initially as Arts, Trade or Science students - with a first year law subject - and, in the second year of study, only those who meet the prescribed criteria may choose to pursue a four-year LLB.
After completing LL.B. degree (or equivalent), graduates are generally eligible to apply for a bar or legal community membership. The validity of a given membership may be subject to the completion of a professional exam. A student may need to obtain further qualification at the graduate level, for example apprenticeship training and the Law Practice Course or the Bar Vocational Course in England and Wales or the Postgraduate Certificate in Law in Hong Kong.
In Australia, some LL.B. Graduates practice as lawyers or lawyers, while others work in academia, for government or for private companies (ie not as lawyers or lawyers). For LL.B. graduates who choose to practice law, in some Australian states (ie, Victoria and New South Wales), LL.B. graduates are required to undertake a 1-year welfare work or a Legal Practice Course (Ordinary Practical Law Training or PLT) before applying for registration as a lawyer. In another state, (ie, South Australia) an LL.B. graduates are required to attend the 6 week PLT course before applying for admission to the bar as lawyers and lawyers. Depending on the country where the lawyer is allowed to practice, membership in the Bar may be restricted to lawyers or open to lawyers and lawyers. In a state that defends as a split Bar system, attorneys are separate and distinct professions with an attorney, and entries are accomplished through the successful completion of exams and a 9-month reading period (in other words, guidance) under senior lawyers.
In Canada, the licensing attorney process usually requires a graduate degree to (1) take further classes in the law class taught by the Law Society itself, and pass a set of written exams, known as a bar exam, with courses taken and (2) performing an articulated clerk, commonly known as articling under the supervision of an established lawyer called main . Most articles of law graduates (ie work and study) in a law firm, government law department, in-house department, community law clinic, or some other non-profit organization engaged in legal work; however, a small proportion of law graduates (with extraordinary academic records) conduct judicial courts with a particular court and under the supervision of a judge rather than work in a more "lawyer-type environment". Both in articulation and decency, there is the hope that law graduates will work in various fields of law and are exposed to the reality of legal practice that does not exist in the academic environment of law schools.
In the province of Ontario, for example, the licensing process for the Upper Canadian Law Society (Ontario governing law community) consists of three compulsory components: Professional Skills and Responsibility Programs with assignments and assessments, License Examinations (Barrister Barrister Examination and License Lawyer Exam, and terminology Articling 10 months.
At the end of the licensing process, a graduate of the law was "summoned to the bar" where he signed his name on the Appeals Court Scroll for Ontario and the Court of Appeal Justice and sworn in relation to a lawyer's oath at a formal ceremony in which he had to appear in full lawyer's cloak and bow before the judge the local high court and community licensing coach. After the calling ceremony, he can designate himself as "Lawyer and Lawyer", and can practice law in the province in which they are licensed. In Ontario and other provinces, licensed lawyers can also exercise power as Commissioners of Oaths. In the province of British Columbia, licensed lawyers automatically qualify to be practiced as a notary subject for appointment. In Ontario and other provinces, a licensed lawyer must submit a form and pay a one-time fee to the provincial attorney general before he is appointed as a notary public.
Although not required by the licensing process, many first and second year law students work in law firms during the summer holiday season to earn extra money and to ensure they have a clear position (with the same law firm) after graduating from law school, because there is always fierce competition for evocative positions, especially for those in big law firms offering attractive rewards and prestige, and law graduates can not be licensed lawyers in Canada if they have not been through articulated panic posts.
Alternate titles and formats
Irish B.C.L. and LL.B.
The four universities under the umbrella of the National University of Ireland (NUI), awarded a Bachelor of Civil Law (B.C.L.). These are University College Cork, University College Dublin, NUI Maynooth and NUIG. Four Irish universities and two Northern Ireland universities (Dublin University; NUIG; Queen's University Belfast; University of Limerick; National University of Ireland; Maynooth and Ulster University) award the LL.B. NUIG offers LL.B. as a 1-year graduate program for holders of BCorp (Bachelor of Corporate Law) or BA Law degree.
University College Cork and the University of Limerick offer a two-year LL.B graduate for outstanding non-law graduates. These courses are approved by Kings Inns.
Institute of Technology, Carlow and the Institute of Technology, Waterford also offers LL.B. degree programs. Two British universities (University of the West of England and Nottingham Trent University) and one Welsh university (University of Wales) awarded LL.B. in Ireland as a professional degree in law (the last three run through local private colleges). (Hons) in Irish Law awarded by the University of the West of England, LL.B. (Hons) in Irish Law at Dublin Business School is jointly validated by HETAC and the University of Wales and LL. B. at Griffith College Dublin and Griffith College Cork jointly validated by HETAC and Nottingham Trent University.)
Ireland is the jurisdiction of common law (actually there are two jurisdictions common law on the island) and the phrase "civil law" is used to distinguish the general law of ecclesiastical law or the canon law in the republic.
In the nineteenth century the University of London bestowed the title of LL.B. on the administrative and lay students of St. John's College. Patrick, Carlow from 1840 onwards.
King's Inns Barrister-at-Law degree BL is a postgraduate degree and is required to practice as a lawyer in Ireland.
Zimbabwe B.L. and LL.B.
At Zimbabwe University, the first degree in general law is the Bachelor of Laws (B.L.), which is equivalent to LL.B. in other common law jurisdictions. This is followed by a one-year university program (analogue to post-LL.B. Vocational courses in other common law jurisdictions) at the end of which a second degree, Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), is awarded. The curriculum has been changed and now only one four-year honors degree is offered abbreviated as LL.B.
LL.B. in Pakistan
In Pakistan, to get admission at LL.B. degree program at any state university, a person must have a bachelor's degree in any discipline. Prior to 1992, LL.B. the degree program is two years but now it is a three year program. Currently some colleges offer five years of LL.B. program. In Punjab, and Sindh Muslim Govt. Law College Karachi, for example, five years with B.A./LL.B. degree is being offered by Punjab University and Karachi University. Actually this is LL.B. three years. program that includes two years of graduation studies (a graduation degree is usually awarded after fourteen years of full-time education).
After getting LL.B. Degree, someone who wants to practice should be familiar to the Provincial Bar Board respectively that he started six months of training/articles under the supervision of a senior advocate who has a ten-year standing as an advocate. Upon completion of the article/pupillage, she will be asked to take a Bar admission test consisting of one multiple choice question/written test and viva-voce (by the Bar Board member panel). These days the University of London's external program has broadly attracted many potential candidates who wish to pursue a career in Law in Pakistan.
Variations on LL.B.
Some universities in the UK and New Zealand offer variations of this degree, such as LL.B. (Europe), which usually takes four years to complete and incorporate broader topics as well as several levels of specialization.
Various universities in the UK and Australia will allow a degree that combines studies with non-legal discipline. For example, some UK universities offer a combined study of law and history leading to B.A. degrees received by the Law Society and Inns of Court equivalent to LL.B.
The University's External Program in Law (LL.B.) has awarded its law degree through distance learning since 1858. LL.B. awarded by the University of London External Program is of the same standard and quality regardless of the mode or way of learning.
At universities in England such as Oxford, Nottingham and Cambridge, law degrees are often B.A., both in Jurisprudence and Law. B.C.L and LL.M are both graduates and postgraduates. The University of Cambridge recently replaced LL.B. degree with an LL.M.
Some universities in the UK including Bournemouth University have LL.B. four years. Of course, consisting of 40 week industry employment placements. Staffordshire University also offers LL.B. two years full time. Of course.
Unique title LL.B. (Hons) Shariah and Law have been introduced by International Islamic University, Islamabad. The hallmark of this course is the comparative study of both Islamic law and General law. Similar programs can be found in Malaysia such as those offered by International Islamic University Malaysia and Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
United States
The United States no longer offers LL.B., although some universities have introduced a Bachelor of Science degree in legal studies featuring a curriculum that includes subjects in constitutional law, lawsuit law, and criminal law. The Master of Science of Laws (MSL) is also offered at some universities that are accredited by the American Bar Association. While LL.B. awarded until 1971 at Yale University, since then, all universities in the United States have awarded professional doctoral degrees, which later became the common standard in most states for the bar exam required before law practice. Many law schools change their basic law degree programs from LL.B. to J.D. in 1960, and was permitted before LL.B. graduates retroactively receive a new doctorate by returning LL.B. in exchange for a J.D. Yale graduates who receive LL.B. degrees before 1971 were also allowed to change their degrees to the J.D., although many did not take the option, opting to maintain LL.B. level.
Before the program is deleted, the recipients of LL.B. including former US presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, current US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen Breyer, former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, American judge and lawyer Richard Allen Posner, as well as the first female commissioner of the Communications Commission Federal Frieda B. Hennock.
The feasibility of foreign graduates in the US.
For the most part, foreign law graduates seeking admission to bars in the United States will find LL.B. the law degree does not necessarily meet the core acceptance requirements of most states, so it does not allow them to take the exam.
The main exception to this is New York, where foreign graduates who have met the educational requirements to practice law in other common law countries through studies at approved institutions, are similar in both duration and content to equivalent teaching in US-approved school law , allowed to take the exam. In addition, both New York and Massachusetts allow LL.B. Canada. holder to take the exam. The requirements of each state vary, and in some countries, sufficient years of practice in a person's home country can make it possible for those who are not included to take the exam. Interested applicants should check the requirements of each state bar association carefully as the requirements vary widely.
Most states require the completion of a law degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association. As a result, American law schools usually offer LL.M. one year. program for foreign lawyers; many such law schools may not have LL.M. program. Classes are included in the "Comparative Law" of America "" Comparative Laws " among others LL.M. programs are selected to introduce foreign lawyers to common American law practice, such as the first year JD courses on civil procedures, Constitutional law, criminal law, research and legal analysis, and jurisprudence.
The situation within the European Union
EU law allows EU citizens with LL.B. degrees from one EU Member State, for example, Ireland, France, Germany or the United Kingdom, practicing law and who are qualified lawyers in one of these countries for three years or more, to practice as well in each other member country. The actual procedures for receiving national licenses are respectively governed by member states and therefore differ from country to country, and possible temporary restrictions in certain cases exist, but each EU member must apply the relevant EU Directives to its own national law.
As a consequence of the Bologna Process, recently many universities of applied sciences and some traditional universities in Germany have introduced LL.B. program, replacing the title of Diplom-Wirtschaftsjurist . LL.B. is a full-time study degree of three or four years. In contrast to courses leading to the State Exam - a master's degree law degree in Germany - most LL.B. degree programs concentrate on private law and may feature an educational component in business administration. Graduates of LL.B. courses can continue LL.M. study, and in some cases sit for the first State Inspection after one or more years of additional legal studies in order to qualify for practicing law in Germany.
In Malta, a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), offered by the University of Malta, is a bachelor's degree that is not of itself sufficient to enter any of the legal professions.
In Denmark, the university now offers LL.B. three years. program, although this is not enough to practice the law. Students wishing to practice law must proceed with the Masters in Law program, leading to a degree of cand.jur. Alternatively, students may choose to use LL.B. as a basis for other courses in social sciences or humanities.
Alternate degree routes in the UK
There are also conversion courses available for non-law graduates, available as an alternative to LL.B. degree programs. One example of a conversion course in England and Wales is the GDL (Graduate Diploma in Law), which takes a year to complete.
In the UK, as well as in other Common Law jurisdictions, the main approach to this, is the Graduate Entry (graduate) LL.B. degree, where graduates from other disciplines can complete LL.B. as a second degree, although this sometimes requires taking a qualifying law course in the first degree to meet the professional requirements in full. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to regard it as an 'accelerated' title.
This 'double degree' system, at one time, was an alternative route to the former B.L. Degree (now obsolete) but students are required to have independent means to complete a second degree. The Scots LL.B. current degree, a direct-admission bachelor degree, fulfilling all professional requirements when combined with a Diploma in Legal Practice. The diploma was introduced around 1980; Prior to this, all professional exams were taken within the level itself (or as part of a previous non-legal degree), limiting the scope for academic study.
Therefore, pursue a double degree today, for most school graduates at least, especially to show that one can become proficient in two disciplines. Unlike the Joint Honors, the second degree is done separately, within the prescribed time period. The first non-law degree will almost always be an art degree even though science or other titles is unknown. Rarely, the double degree principle is found inverted; only as an art or science degree may grant an exemption from the full academic (unprofessional) requirements of the subsequent law degree, as well as a law degree may exempt from the full academic requirement of an advanced art or science degree. In this case, it is more likely that a second degree will be taken as an independent self-funding student, possibly on a part-time basis.
See also
- Sign in to the bar
- Enter the bar in the United States
- School of Autonomy Law in India
- Call to the bar
- Doctorate of Legal Sciences
- Doctor of law
- Juris Doctor
- Legal education
- List of law schools
- Master of Laws
Source of the article : Wikipedia