Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

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Police Academy (1984) â€

Police Academy is a training school for new police recruits, also known as law enforcement academies. Some are known as colleges or universities. They all have various background checks, checks, physical requirements, medical requirements, legal training, driving skills, training equipment and firearm training to recruit new police. The Academy prepares recruits for the police to be assigned when they graduate.

Video Police academy

Academy of police by country


In Australia, each state and terrestrial region runs a centralized academy for training law enforcement personnel within states or territories.

The police academy ensures that officers meet basic local, state, and federal standards. Graduation from an approved academy program is usually required before a new police officer is placed on active duty.

New South Wales Police Academy, Victoria Police Academy, Queensland Police Academy, Tasmania Police Academy, South Australian Police Academy, Northern Territory Police Academy, West Australian Police Academy, and Queensland Police Academy are initial state police training institutes. The smaller and well-known Australian Federal Police College in Barton, Canberra trains early AFP recruitment.


In Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Police Academy provides training to the newcomers of Bangladesh Police. It also arranges other courses including refresher courses. Each position requires different training and requirements.

  • Police Superintendent Assistant (ASP): Bangladesh Police Academy (1 year), basic training at the Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC)
  • Sub Inspector: Bangladesh Police Academy (1 year)
  • Sergeant: Bangladeshi Police Academy (6 months)
  • Police: Bangladesh Police Academy (6 months)


In the Cyprus Republic of the Police Academy of Cyprus (Greek: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Founded in 1990 successively to Police Training School. is recognized as a higher education institution by the Council of Cyprus for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications and operates under the Ministry of Justice and Public Order as a Police Unit within the organizational structure of the Cypriot Police.He works permanently, both for education from Cadet Constables and for training all Police members relevant to their rank as part of their continuing education Some relevant legal courses are also conducted for no Police.

Czech Republic

The Police Education and Training Unit (PETU) was established in 2015 and is the head of all education and training for the Czech Republic police. In the Czech Republic the Police Academy is a university-level University, where security specialties for police, public administration, and personal security services are taught. Some branches are open to civilians and some only to police officers, firefighters, soldiers, etc. Schools are open to recruit with bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees.

The basic training center for new police officers is called "secondary police school" and every police officer has to go through one of these centers. In this system, a "senior police school" still exists that has a "higher learning" education status, in which specialization is offered.

City police may have several training centers while some large cities have their own, while others are training in private licensed institutions.


Estonian police were originally founded in 1918 and later re-established in 1991 after losing independence to the Soviet Union. Estonian police consists of three units: the Central Criminal Police, the Law Enforcement Center and the Forensic Service Center. In Estonia, the Estonian Security Academy is located in Tallinn. The academy consists of four colleges; this includes the Police Academy and Border Guard at Muraste and Paikuse. Estonian police are the first to use Blockchain technology that allows better policing of people.


Finished police recruits are trained at the Police Academy of Finland, or POLAMK. It is located in Tampere, Finland and consists of various teaching facilities and related venues, including vehicle training courses and training areas for realistic police operations. POLAMK requires its candidate to be a Finnish citizen who has completed at least a vocational or high school qualification or matriculation exam, good health, no criminal background, and a certain characteristic that is evaluated by a psychological exam. The Security Intelligence Service will perform a basic security background check of the applicant. Matters considered in security checks include punishment and conviction, arrest for drunkenness, racism and security and other risks. Applicants must have at least a short-term driving license at the end of the application period. At least one year of work experience at the end of the application period. A maximum of 9 months of military service will be counted as work experience. Basic police training lasts for 3 years.


In Indonesia, the National Police Academy (Bahasa Indonesia: Police Academy abbreviated â € Å" AKPOL ") is the main institute, training center and school for recruiters who join the State Police Republic of Indonesia to become a highly trained and professional officer.After 4 years of being a cadet in the Police Academy, they will graduate with the rank of Police Inspector Second Class (Police Inspector Two), the equivalent of Second Lieutenant in Military. graduated as first line supervisor with the rank of junior first rank officer in the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia and can be deployed to different units within the army.The Academy is located in Semarang, Central Java and is part of the Interpol.

The Cadets ranks at the Academy are as shown below:

  • Prospective Candidates ( Calon Bhayangkara Taruna ) - Training participants for the first 4 months
  • Cadet Apply Class Two ( Bhayangkara Dua Taruna ) - First Year
  • Cadets Apply Class One ( Bhayangkara Satu Taruna ) - Year Two
  • 2nd Class Brigade Cadet ( Brigadier Two Taruna ) - Third Year
  • First Class Brigadier Cadet ( Brigadier One Taruna ) - Fourth Year
  • Brigadier Cadet ( Brigadir Taruna ) - Graduation Year (After this rank, they will graduate and reach the rank of "Police Inspector")

Until 1999, before the Indonesian National Police officially separated from the armed forces (ABRI), the Indonesian Police Academy ("AKPOL") also stood under the National Armed Forces Academy but now has been separated from the Military and under the auspices of the President. Indonesia controlled by Police Headquarters ( Police Headquarters ). Although separate from the service academy, the cadets of both institutions still maintain a cooperative relationship with the implementation of annual joint exercises. The new cadets of the NPA and 4th grade cadets, along with their armed forces counterparts, have a joint 4th grade cadet training program since 2008, after completing the cadets the police officers spent 4 years studying in Semarang.


In India, the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy is a national training institute for Indian Police officers (IPS) before they are sent to their respective Indian cadres to carry out their duties. The Academy is located in Hyderabad, India.


In the Republic of Ireland, Garda SÃÆ'ochÃÆ'¡na College in Templemore is the only police academy, where all trainees for the Garda SÃÆ'ochÃÆ'¡na and the SÃÆ'ochÃÆ'¡na Reserve Guard are studying.


In Malaysia, there are fifteen police academies, one of which is the Royal Malaysian Police School in Kuala Lumpur which is a combination of four police training institutes, namely Kuala Kubu Baru Police College, Special Branch Training School, College of Criminal Investigation. , and Traffic Schools that train higher-ranking officers. Universities will soon be upgraded to Police University in collaboration with Sultan Idris Education University.


The National Police Academy (NPA), formerly known as the Central Police Training Center (CPTC), was established with the beginning of police regulations in 1993. The CPTC was founded in 1956.

New Zealand

The Royal New Zealand Police College is a central training institute for police recruits and police officers in New Zealand.


Norwegian Police University College offers education for Norwegian police, including three years of basic education and the possibility of expansion with a Master's degree.


During the 1980s, the Philippine National Police Academy in Cavite served as a school for elected enlisted personnel and civilians to join as Police/Lieutenant of Fire in the dead Integrated National Police. Following the joining of the Philippine Police and Police on January 1, 1991, the school became the primary officer school for the new Philippine National Police, the Fire Protection Bureau and the Bureau of Prison and Penology Management, all under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Local Government. Graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy are automatically designated as Inspectors/Lieutenants at the Philippine National Police, Fire Bureau and the Bureau of Prison and Penology Management in accordance with their public safety curriculum selection during their cadet period. This is under the supervision of DILG and the Philippine Public Safety College.


Polish Police college is located in the city of Szczytno. The police schools are in Pi? A, S? Upsk, Katowice, and Legionowo. The border guard training center is located at K? Trzyn, Koszalin, and Luba ?. Poland also has a "higher education institution" called Wy? Sza Szko? A Policji. In this institution the officers are educated about their skills and studies "In addition to academic lessons, prospective employees are also trained in modern policing techniques, handling of weapons, and informatics."


The Romanian Police Academy is located in Bucure? Ti. They only train officers (Bachelor (3 years), master's degree (2 years) and Dr (3 1 year)).

The border police school and training center is located in Oradea Avram Iancu. The Coast Guard Center is in Constanta. Training centers of border police personnel are in Ia? Me and Orsova.


In Serbia, future police officers are trained at the Basic Police Training Center in Sremska Kamenica, the former Police High School. The training lasted for 1 year and followed by a 6 month trial period at the Regional Police Department. Skills acquired by young men and women are for police officers of general jurisdiction, and after they are hired, they can specialize in jobs (traffic police, border police, special forces, etc.). There is also the Criminal and Police Academy of Sciences, a higher education institution established as a legal successor of the School of Advanced Internal Affairs, established in 1972; and the Police Academy, formed in 1993.

Slovak Republic

In the Slovak Republic, Police College (University) offers courses on security specialization for police, public administration, and private security services. Some branches are open to civilians, and some only to police officers, firefighters, soldiers, etc. Schools are open to undergraduate, master, and doctoral degrees.

Basic training center for new police officers is called 'secondary police school'; all police officers had to pass them.


In Slovenia, the police academy conducts training, education, and training programs for police and for external users. All candidates must have a high school education of some sort before attending. Candidates spend eighteen months in basic training to become a police officer, followed by a six-month evaluation period. The advanced police school course lasts two years, and requires a person to be a police officer for at least two years.


In Spain, there is a National Police Center academy centered near ÃÆ' vila ( 40.666044 Â ° N 4.653832 Â ° W / 40.666044; -4.653832 .) The Guardia Civil runs two centralized academies, one for tamara listed i> and sub-officers in Baeza (JaÃÆ' Â © n, 37,995590 Â ° N 3,480421 Â ° W / 37.995590; -3.480421 ) and another for a commanding officer on two campuses in Aranjuez ( 40.052223 Â ° N 3,600720 Â ° W / 40.052223; -3.600720 ) and El Escorial ( 40.599491Ã, Â ° N 4.132105 Â ° W / 40.599491; -4.132105 ) (Madrid). Autonomous and autonomous Catalan and Basque armies - Mossos d'Esquadra and Ertzaintza - also have their own centralized academy at Mollet del VallÃÆ'¨s (Barcelona, ​​span title = "Map , aerial photographs and other data for this location "> 41.551442 Â ° N 2.221305 Â E / 41.551442; 2.221305 ) and Arcaute (ÃÆ' lava, 42.858187Ã, Â ° N 2.618719Ã, Â ° W / 42.858187; -2.618719 ). No candidates with received criminal records.

Candidates attend this centralized public academy after passing the police entrance exam, so they are already registered and will automatically become a police officer if they do not fail the course or drop out. Their training is thus free of charge and the candidates are paid as police pay as soldiers. Basic training ranges from 5 months to entry-level policÃÆ'a nacional or guardia civil up to 9 months for mosso , but it actually takes about 18 months to two including additional placement practices and training. Local police forces including Madrid or Barcelona are often trained at this great public academy as well. High-level or highly specialized courses are longer and ultimately similar to college degrees.

The Spanish police academy should not be confused with many private training participants academia who have the potential to pass previous entrance exams. While this private academy can help, learning on them is not asked or asked and potential candidates can take their own entrance exams.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka established the Sri Lankan Police Academy in 2008, bringing together several police training institutions including the Sri Lankan Police High School.


Since 2015, police training has been fully submitted by the Swedish Police Authority, and conducted at three universities: VÃÆ'¤xjÃÆ'¶, UmeÃÆ'  ¥, and SÃÆ'¶dertÃÆ'¶rn. The course covered five terms, and the last two included six months of paid work practices as Trainee Police. Applicants should have a basic eligibility for higher education, personal qualities deemed necessary for the profession, and meet a number of physical requirements of the job.


The Police Academy was founded in 1937 to recruit police chiefs. In 1938, a police college (high school) was established in Ankara to prepare students for the Police Academy. Today, the police academy recruits police officers in 26 schools located in different parts of Turkey, and police chiefs at a school located in Ankara.

United Arab Emirates

In UAE, Emirates either trains their own police or outsourced training to other Emirates colleges. There are mainly two academies, one in Abu Dhabi and the other in Dubai.

Abu Dhabi

At the Abu Dhabi Police Academy, the course covers practical and field training. Upon successful completion of the program, students are awarded a bachelor's degree in Law and Taxation.

An officer training institute affiliated with the Police College was established in 1992. In 2002, the college study system was changed to include a program of training theory and fieldwork.

Four years of study is divided into two levels of study consisting of eight terms:

Base rate - two years

One year for theoretical studies and another for fieldwork.

Advanced level - two years

Both levels are preceded by an introductory period for the students' physical and psychological preparation. Upon successful completion of the courses and training students will be awarded a bachelor's degree in Police Science and Criminal Justice.


The Dubai Police Academy was established in 1987, and granted autonomy from the police while still having affiliation with the Dubai General Police Office. It was fully inaugurated in 1989 in the presence of Sheikh Maktoum Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. In 1992, the degree offered by the academy was made equivalent to a degree from a university.

The first class was from 1987 to 1988, and consisted of 51 cadets and 30 full-time students, some of whom were existing police officers; they graduated in 1991. During the academic year 1996-1997, students from other Arab countries such as Yemen and the Palestinian Territories were accepted.

United Kingdom

England and Wales

All candidates for 43 police forces for England and Wales must be over 18½; reasonable standard of physical fitness, with good health and vision; and be a British citizen, a Commonwealth citizen without limitation here, or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland. All serve two years as a trial supervisor, who will be spent training in academic and practical situations. From 2007, all training is managed by the National Police Repair Agency that is no longer working with the Police High School to take over in 2013.


All new police officers in Scotland attended an initial 11 weeks training course at Scottish Police College in Tulliallan Castle. The college has been in operation since 1954 and is hosting the initial training of new officers as well as courses such as the training of traffic officers and detectives. Many courses have received accreditation from Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) or credit rated on Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF). Training ranges from SCQF Level 7 for experimental training given to new employees (equivalent to an initial higher education course) to undergraduate qualifications for more specialized or senior roles such as detective training or courses for senior officers.

United States

The police academy is in every state and at the federal level. Each country has an agency that certifies the police academies and their programs. Most countries have minimum physical and academic standards for cadets to achieve before they can enter the academy and graduate. There may be additional or higher standards required for later certification as a police officer. While some countries allow open enrollment in the police academy, many require cadets to be employed by the police department to attend. Departments and/or state certification bodies may also require individuals to pass background checks, psychological evaluations, polygraph examinations, drug checks and qualify with firearms and demonstrate driving skills, as a condition of work/certification.


While some federal law enforcement agencies have their own training requirements and training facilities, 91 federal law enforcement agencies (including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Marshall Service of the United States), require agents/officers and potential agents/officers to attend basic service and training services at the Center Federal Law Enforcement Training (FLETC). FLETC, operated by the Department of Homeland Security, is headquartered in Glynco, Georgia and has training venues in Artesia, New Mexico, Charleston, South Carolina and Cheltenham, Maryland.


In Connecticut, police officers receive certification to enforce the General Statute. Their training was conducted at "The Connecticut Police Academy" located at 285 Preston Avenue, in Meriden, CT. To become a certified police officer, a recruiter must be a legitimate US citizen, at least 21 years old, possessing a high school diploma or equivalent, have a valid driver's license, and be not punished for any crime. The officers then had to attend an 818-hour basic training course covering various aspects of police work. This basic training course is certified by the Accreditation Commission for Law Enforcement Institutions (CALEA).


In Florida, the police academy is generally run by colleges or state institutions. All law enforcement officers in the state are certified as such by a government agency designated by a governor called the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission under the Florida Law Enforcement Department. All applicants must pass state exams and be employed by law enforcement agencies within 4 years to be considered certified.


All law enforcement officers in Kentucky (except as noted below) employed after 1998 are required to complete the minimum examination, physical training and class requirements of the Kentucky Professional Police Standard (POPS) before being certified and acted as law enforcement officers. Larger institutions, such as the Kentucky State Police as well as the Metro Police of Louisville and the Lexington Police Division, operate their own police academy and may have requirements that exceed the minimum POPS standards. Agencies in Kentucky who do not run their own academy send their aspiring officers to a 16-week basic training class at the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training Academy, located on the campus of Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, to complete their POPS requirements. The only exceptions to POPS training and certification are those employed prior to 1998 and selected law enforcement officers whose duties and requirements are set out in the Kentucky Constitution. These include sheriffs, constables, coroners and jailers (but generally not their deputies). Many of these holders of the office, however, hold POPS certifications from their previous jobs as law enforcement officers prior to their election and others will receive POPS certification or equivalent training approved before taking office.


In Maryland, Maryland Police and the Penitentiary Training Commission are civilian government bodies that set standards for law enforcement personnel within the state. Most law enforcement agencies operate their own academy where recruitment must pass more than 550 goals including (but not limited to): criminal and traffic law, officer safety techniques, defensive tactics, report writing, 40-hour block of emergency vehicle operations, a 40-hour First Respondent block, and a 40-hour block of weapons training. Most agencies operate non-resident academies; However, the Maryland State Police require recruitment to stay in the academy and, depending on their level of performance for a week, can leave the campus for the weekend. Many colleges like the University of Maryland and other colleges also offer police academy instruction.


In Michigan, to be a law enforcement officer, any and all applicants have the option to be certified by the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards or MCOLES. Everyone who wants to be a police officer in the State of Michigan must be certified through MCOLES. Cadets must pass physical fitness exams as well as reading and writing exams. Applicants also can not commit crimes, weapons offenses, or the history of domestic violence posted on their criminal records. Police academies are most often part of a community college, municipal or county police and department of sheriff, or Michigan State Police.

At the end of the police academy, candidates take the MCOLES test. Upon successful completion, the candidate is 'qualified' and has a period of one year to get the job (if not sponsored by the agent). If a candidate is unable to obtain a police job within the year, and if the candidate wishes to be considered in the future, he or she must attend a two-week re-certification course, which adds another year to the window of opportunity.

New Hampshire

PSTC New Hampshire (Police Standard and Training Board) provides all initial training and maintains certification standards for every full and part time law enforcement officer in the state. This includes anyone who has the power of arrest (except a federal officer) under New Hampshire law. PSTC also provides initial training and certification for correctional officers employed directly by the State. All recruitment must have at least a conditional offer from the work of law enforcement agencies, having a background check and passing a medical exam and a physical fitness test. Each agency may add other qualifications such as education, polygraph test and medicine. PSTC law enforcement academies require every recruit to qualify with firearms, demonstrate driving skills, maintain physical fitness, pass the subject test and, evaluate the scenario as a condition of certification.

Most agencies in the state use the Field Officers program to provide additional training and evaluation of new employees.


The body that legalizes the police academy in Texas is the Texas Commission for Law Enforcement (TCOLE). Many major cities and sheriff offices operate their own training academies, while some smaller municipalities work together to defend a regional academy. Some colleges also offer police training courses. There are three state-level law enforcement academies: the Texas Department of Public Security trains state troops, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department trains the goalkeepers, and the Texas Justice Police Department trains state correction officers. The police academy usually lasts from 18 to 30 weeks, although there are many variations. All police cadets are required to obtain at least the TCOLE Basic Peace Officer Proficiency Certificate before starting active duty; some academies require their cadets to obtain Intermediate certification before graduation. TCOLE also offers certifications for prison wardens and corrective officers, who also have to undergo training before being assigned (although usually much less than full police officers).


The basis of Utah's basic training for the police academy is to protect the people and citizens served by the police. They do this with basic training, firearm training, curriculum development, dog training, defensive tactics, emergency vehicle operations, and physical fitness. Training for Utah officers is divided into two separate sections, called blocks. Two blocks are special functions and law enforcement. To get certified in the state of Utah, one must successfully complete both training courses. This training is provided so that the officers can be professional and up to date as possible. Along with initial training, officers are also required to conduct an additional 40 hours of training each year to keep abreast of all current police laws and procedures.


Vietnam People's Police Academy is one of the leading schools of Public Security of the People of Vietnam, a training officer with a university degree and a postgraduate degree. The Police Academy is a training center under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Security. The school is located in Tu Liem district, Hanoi, Vietnam.


In 1968, the People's Police was established within the Central Department of Public Security Police (now known as the People's Security Academy).


  • Train police officers with undergraduate and graduate programs; making resource staff to force the Vietnamese People's Police
  • See the scientific topic of National Crime Prevention; Administration of State Security Affairs, Criminal Law, Investigation of Justice Works
  • International Cooperation Training with foreign police.

Maps Police academy

See also

  • Police training officer

Police Academy 3: Back in Training (1986) - Welcome to Police ...


Source of the article : Wikipedia
