A master's degree is from an academic degree awarded by a university or college upon completion of a course of study which demonstrates the mastery or high-level description of a particular field of study or field of practice professional. A master's degree usually requires prior study at the undergraduate level, either as a separate degree or as part of an integrated course. In the field studied, Master's graduates are expected to have advanced knowledge of a specialized body of theoretical and applied topics; high-level skills in analysis, critical evaluation, or professional applications; and the ability to solve complex problems and think hard and independently.
Video Master's degree
Historical development
The Middle Ages until the 18th century
The master's degree dates back to the origin of European universities, with the papal bull 1233 stating that anyone who claims to a master at the University of Toulouse should be allowed to teach freely at another university. The original meaning of the master's degree is that a person who has been accepted at a master's (masters) level (ie a teacher) at one university must be accepted in the same rank at another university. This gradually became formal as licentia docendi (license to teach). Initially, masters and doctors were not distinguished, but by the fifteenth century it was customary in British universities to refer to teachers in lower faculties (art and grammar) as masters and those in higher faculties as a doctor. Initially, the Bachelor of Arts (BA) was awarded for the study of trivium and the Master of Arts (MA) for quadrivium studies.
From the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century, the degree pattern was to have a bachelor and master's degree in a lower faculty and to have a bachelor and doctorate in a higher faculty. In the United States, the first master's degree (Masters of Artium , or Master of Arts) is awarded at Harvard University immediately upon its establishment. In Scotland, pre-Reformed universities (St Andrews, Glasgow and Aberdeen) were developed so that the Scottish MA became their first degree, while in Oxford, Cambridge and Trinity College, Dublin, MA was granted to BA graduates from certain positions without further examination of the late century seventeen, its main purpose is to provide full university membership. At Harvard, the 1700 rule requires that candidates for a master's degree must pass public exams, but by 1835 this was given the Oxbridge style 3 years after BA.
nineteenth century
The nineteenth century saw a great expansion in the various master's degrees on offer. At the beginning of the century, the only master's degree was MA, and this is usually given without further studies or examination. The Master in Surgery degree was introduced by the University of Glasgow in 1815. In 1861 it has been adopted throughout Scotland. as well as by Cambridge and Durham in the UK and the University of Dublin in Ireland. When the Philadelphia College of Surgeons was founded in 1870, he also awarded the Surgical Magister, "just as in Europe".
In Scotland, Edinburgh retained separate BA and MA degrees until the mid-nineteenth century, although there were major doubts about the quality of the Scottish level in this period. In 1832, Lord Brougham, Lord Chancellor and an alumnus of the University of Edinburgh, told House of Lords that "In England, the University grants degrees after a considerable stay, after much work is done, and if they are not in all things so strict as the University law is required, but it can not be said that the Master of Arts was created at Oxford and Cambridge because they were in Scotland, without shelter, or without some sort of examination.In Scotland all the university statutes that enacted the provisions on awarding a title were a dead letter. "
New in 1837 separate examinations were reintroduced to the MA in England, at the newly established Durham University (though, as in the old British universities, this was to provide full membership), to be followed in 1840 by the same new University of London, who is only empowered by his charter to grant degrees with exams. However, by the middle of the century, the MA as a second degree tested again was under threat, with Durham moving to grant automatically to those awarded in BA in 1857, along the lines of the Oxbridge MA, and Edinburgh following other Scottish universities in awarding his MA degree as a first degree, in place of BA, from 1858. At the same time, new universities were established around the British Empire at that time along the London line, including exams for the MA: Sydney University in Australia and Queen's University of Ireland in 1850, and Bombay University (now University of Mumbai), Madras and Calcutta in India in 1857.
In the US, the resurrection of a master's degree as an examined qualification began in 1856 at the University of North Carolina, followed by the University of Michigan in 1859, although the notion of a master's degree as a second earned title was not established until the 1870s, with PhD as a terminal degree. It is sometimes possible to get a MA either by examination or seniority in the same institution, e.g. in Michigan "in the course" The MA was introduced in 1848 and last was given in 1882, while the "on exam" MA was introduced in 1859.
Perhaps the most important master's degrees introduced in the 19th century are the Master of Science (MS in US, MSc in the UK). At the University of Michigan it was introduced in two forms in 1858: "in the course", first given in 1859, and "on examination", was first given in 1862. "Of course" MS was last awarded in 1876. England, however, that title takes longer to arrive. When London introduced its Faculty of Science in 1858, the University was awarded a new charter which gave it the strength "to grant several Bachelor, Master, and PhD degrees, in Art, Law, Science, Medicine, Music", but the degree it is awarded in science is a Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Science. The same two degrees, again ignoring the masters, are awarded in Edinburgh, although the MA is the standard undergraduate degree for Art in Scotland. In 1862, the Royal Commission suggested that Durham should grant a master's degree in theology and science (interesting with MT and MS abbreviations, contrary to past British practice using MTh or MTheol and MSc for this degree), but its recommendations were not enforced.. In 1877, Oxford introduced the Master of Natural Science, along with the Bachelor of Natural Science, to stand beside the MA and BA degrees and awarded to students who took their degrees in honors natural science school. In 1879 a legislation to actually establish the faculty of Natural Sciences at Oxford was enacted, but in 1880 a proposal to rename the title as a Master of Science was denied along with a proposal to grant the Master of Natural Sciences Master of Arts degree, in order to making them full members of the University. The scheme appears to have been quietly crossed out, with Oxford continuing to award BAs and MA in science.
The Master of Science (MSc) degree was eventually introduced in England in 1878 in Durham, followed by the new Victorian University in 1881. At the University of Victoria both the MA and the Master of Science (MSc) followed the Durham MA leadership in need of further examination for those with a regular undergraduate degree but not for those with an honors degree.
20th century
At the beginning of the twentieth century there were four different types of master's degrees in England: the Scottish MA, awarded as the first degree; The Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin), awarded to all BA graduates of a certain period after their first degree without further study; a master's degree that can be obtained either by further study or by earning an honors degree (which, while in England engaging further studies beyond the usual degree, as is still practiced in Scotland and some Commonwealth countries); and a master's degree that can only be obtained by further study (including all master's degrees in London). In 1903, London Daily News criticized the practice of Oxford and Cambridge, calling their MA "the most remarkable of academic fraud" and "fake degrees". Presenting the correspondence shows that "A Scotch M.A., at most, is only equivalent to English B.A." and called for a general standard for degrees, while the ancient school defenders said that "the Cambridge MA does not pretend to be a learning gift" and that "it is somewhat unreasonable to describe any of their degrees as a fake because other modern universities provide the same degree for reasons different ".
In 1900, Dartmouth College introduced the Master of Commercial Science (MCS), which was first awarded in 1902. It is the first master's degree in business, the pioneer of the modern MBA. This idea quickly crossed the Atlantic, with Manchester establishing the Faculty of Commerce, granting both a Bachelor and Master of Commerce degree, in 1903. During the first half of the century an automatic master's degree for honors graduates disappeared as honors degrees into a standard undergraduate qualification in England. In the 1960s, new Scottish universities (with the exception of Dundee, who inherited an undergraduate MA from St. Andrews) reintroduced BA as their bachelor's degree in Art, returning the MA to its position as a postgraduate qualification. Oxford and Cambridge retained their MA, but renamed many of their graduate degrees in higher faculty as master's degrees, such as LLB Cambridge to LLM in 1982, and Oxford BLitt, BPhil (except in philosophy) and BSc to MLitt, MPhil and MSc.
In 1983, the Engineering Council issued a "Statement on an improved and extended degree of engineering degree", proposing the establishment of a first four-year (Master of Engineering) degree. It began operations in the mid-1980s and was followed in the early 1990s by MPhys for physicists and since then an integrated master's degree in other sciences such as MChem, MMath, and MGeol, and in some MSV public or special institutions (Master in Science) and MArts (Master in Arts) degree. This development was recorded by the Honorable Report into English Higher Education in 1997, which calls for the establishment of a national qualification framework and identifies five different routes for a master's degree:
- Four years (five in Scotland) a bachelor's degree like MEng
- The degree of conversion, sometimes below the standard undergraduate degree in the same subject
- An undergraduate art degree from an ancient university of Scotland
- Specialist postgraduate courses, such as MA and MSc
- Oxbridge MA, granted without additional work
This led to the creation of a Quality Assurance Agency, charged with framing.
Twenty-first century
In 2000 new pressure was placed on the Oxbridge MAs in the British Parliament, with Labor MP Jackie Lawrence introducing an early-day movement calling for them to be abolished and told the Times Higher Education that it was "discriminatory practice" and that it "undermines and undermines student efforts in other universities ". The following month the Quality Assurance Agency announced the results of a survey of 150 large entrepreneurs showing nearly two-thirds misjudged that Cambridge MA was a postgraduate qualification and just over half made the same mistake about the Edinburgh MA, with QAA chief executive John Randall calling Oxbridge MA "misleading and anachronistic ".
QAA released "the first framework for higher education qualifications in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland" in January 2001. The prescribed learning outcomes for the M-level (master) degree and suggested that the title "Master" should only be used for qualifications that meet with full learning outcomes. This overcomes many of the Honorable Report's concerns, which specify that shorter courses are at H-level (honorific), eg. Conversion courses, should be laid out Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate rather than as a master's degree, but affirm that an extended bachelor's degree is a master's degree, saying that "Some Masters degrees in science and engineering are awarded after the last extended degree program, usually, years longer than Honors degree program ". It also addresses the issue of Oxbridge MA, noting that "The MA granted by Oxford and Cambridge Universities is not an academic qualification". "The first framework for the qualifications of the Higher Education Institution in Scotland", also published in January 2001, uses the same qualification descriptors, adds a credit score that specifies that stand-alone masters should be 180 credits and "Masters (following integration of courses from undergraduate to study Master level) "should be 600 credits with minimum 120 on M-level. It has been determined that the title "Master" may only be used for qualifications that meet the learning outcomes and the definition of credit, although it has been noted that "A small number of universities in Scotland have a long tradition of labeling a particular first degree as 'MA' Agency's review reports of provisions -these terms will relate to the undergraduate benchmarks and will make it clear that the title reflects Scottish practice and practice, and that any positive assessment of the standards should not be considered implying that the outcome of the program is at the graduate level. "
The Bologna Declaration in 1999 initiated the Bologna Process, which led to the creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It establishes a three-degree bachelor's degree of doctorate - a doctoral degree of degrees, leading to the adoption of a master's degree across the continent, often replacing longer term cycle qualifications such as Master (Arts), Diplom (science) and state registration (professional) awards in German. As the process progressed, descriptions were introduced for all three levels in 2004, and ECTS credit guidelines were developed. This led to questions about the status of an integrated master's degree and a one-year master's degree in the UK. However, the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the Framework of the Qualifications of Higher Education Institutions in Scotland are in line with the overall framework for EHEA is hereby accepted as a master level qualification.
Maps Master's degree
The Master's degree is usually titled using the form 'Master of...', in which either the faculty (usually Arts or Science) or fields (Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Business Administration, etc.) are determined. The two most common master's degrees are Master of Arts (MA/M.A./A.M) and Master of Science (MSc/M.S./S.M.); which usually consists of a mixture of research and taught material. Integrated master's degrees and professional practice-oriented postgraduate masters are often more specifically named for their field of study ("labeled titles"), including, for example, Master of Business Administration, Master of Divinity, Master of Engineering and Master of Physics. Some more general titles, such as the Master of Philosophy (MPhil), are used (in the same way as Doctor of Philosophy) to show degrees with major research components, Master of Studies (MSt)/Master of Advanced Study (MASt)/Master of Advanced Studies (MAS), and Professional Masters (MProf).
The form of "Master in..." is also sometimes used, especially where faculty degrees are used for integrated masters in addition to their use in traditional postgraduate masters, eg Master in Science (MSci) and Master in Arts (MArts). This form is also sometimes used with other integrated master's degrees, and sometimes for a postgraduate master's degree (eg, Master's in Accounting). Some universities use the Latin title name; because of the syntactic flexibility in Latin, the Master of Arts and Master of Science degrees can be known in these institutions as the magisterial and magical scientiÃÆ'Â| or reversed English of ordering into Artium magister and ScientiÃÆ'Â| magister . Examples of reversed usage include Harvard University, the University of Chicago and MIT, leading to the abbreviation A.M. and S.M. to this degree. The form of "Master of Science" and "Master in Science" can not be distinguished in Latin, so MSci is "Master of Natural Sciences" at Cambridge University.
In the UK, fullstops (periods) are not used in title abbreviations. In the US, The Gregg Reference Manual recommends placing periods in degrees (eg B.S., Ph.D.), but The Chicago Manual of Style recommends writing degrees without dots (eg BS, PhD).
The Master of Science is generally abbreviated as M.S. or MS in countries after use of the United States and MSc in countries after use of English, where MS will refer to a Master of Surgery degree. In Australia, some master's degrees are extended using the title of "doctor": Doctor Juris and Doctor of Medical Practice, Physiotherapy, Dentistry, Optometry and Veterinary Practice. Though their degree is still a master's degree and may not be called a doctorate, or may be a graduate using a "doctor" degree.
- Master's degree in graduate/masters (MA/MA/AM, MSc/MS/SM, MBA/MBA, MST, LLM/LL.M., etc.) are traditional forms formal from a master's degree, where students already hold a bachelor's degree (undergraduate) on entry. Courses usually last for one year in the UK and two years in the US.
- Integrated master's degree (MChem, MEng, MMath, MPharm, MPhys, MPsych, MSci, etc.) is a UK degree that incorporates undergraduate degree programs with additional years at the master's level (ie a total of four years in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and five years in Scotland). A 2011 survey from the UK Higher Education Institute found that 64% offered an integrated master's program, mostly in the STEM discipline, with the most common degree being MEng, MSci and MChem. 82% of respondents only awarded a master's degree for the course, while 9% gave a bachelor's degree at the end of the bachelor level and the master's degree at the end of the course and the other 9% conferred bachelor and master's degrees. at the end of the course.
- Masters degree non-master degree The ancient universities of England and Ireland have traditionally presented the MA in a different way than today. The Scottish MA is the undergraduate level qualification offered by the ancient universities of Scotland. The Oxbridge MA is not an academic qualification; it is given without further examination to those who have earned a BA from Oxford University or Cambridge in England, and the MA from Trinity College Dublin in Ireland is awarded to its graduates in the same way.
UK Quality Assurance Agency assigns three Master degree categories: The academic title
- Research is primarily research based, although it may contain elements taught, especially in research methods. Examples are MPhil (always a research degree, often associated with a doctoral program), MLitt (usually, but not always a research degree) and a Master by Research. They aim to prepare students according to a research career. Care must be taken not to confuse the Masters by Research, (MbyRes, ResM or MPhil), which is a research degree more in tune with the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in a particular subject, with a Master of > Research (MRes), which is a taught degree that concentrates on research methods. Master's degrees Special or advanced are especially taught degrees, although generally at least one-third of the courses devoted to research projects are assessed by the dissertation. It may be a stand-alone masters program, leading to, for example, an MSc, MA or MRes degree, or an integrated master's degree. Professional degree or practice (see also a professional degree) is designed to prepare students for specific professional careers and is especially taught, although they may include work placements and independent study projects. Some may require professional experience to sign in. Examples include MBA, MDiv, LLM and MSW as well as several integrated master's degrees. The degree name usually includes the subject name.
The US Department of Education classifies a master's degree as a research or professional . Master's degree in research in the US, e.g. BU. or M.S., requires completion of courses and exams taught in a major subject and one or more, and (usually) a research thesis. A professional master's degree may be structured like a research master (eg M.E./M.Eng.) Or may concentrate on specific disciplines (eg M.B.A.), and often substitute projects for the thesis.
Australian Qualification Framework classifies master's degrees as research , courses or extended . A research master's degree usually takes one to two years, and two-thirds of their content consists of research, research training and independent study. Master's degree courses usually last for one to two years, and mainly consist of structured learning with some independent research and project work or practice-related learning. An extended master's degree typically takes three to four years and contains important practice-related lessons that must be developed in cooperation with professional bodies, legal entities or relevant regulatory bodies.
In Ireland, a master's degree may be Taught or Research . The master's degree taught is usually a one to two year course, with a 60 to 120 ECTS rating, whereas a research master's degree is usually a two-year course, which is assessed with 120 ECTS credits or no credit rating.
There are various paths to the level with evidence-based entries from capacity to conduct higher-level studies in the proposed field. Dissertation may or may not be required depending on the program. In general, the structure and duration of courses leading to a master's degree will vary by country and university.
Stand-alone masters programs in the US are usually two years long. In some fields/programs, doctorate work begins immediately after a bachelor's degree, but a master may be awarded along the way as an intermediate qualification if students petition for it. Some universities offer an evening option so students can work during the day and get a masters degree in the evenings.
In the UK, a graduate master's degree may be "research" or "taught", with the taught degree subdivided into "specialist or advanced study" or "professional or practice" (see above). The taught degree (of both forms) typically takes a full calendar year (ie three semesters, 12 months), although some can be completed in one academic year (ie two semesters, 8 months), while a research degree often takes one full calendar year or two academic years. The English integrated master's degree is combined with a bachelor's degree for four (UK, Wales and Northern Ireland) or five (Scottish) periods of total academic year - one academic year longer than a normal bachelor's degree.
In Australia, the master's degree varies from 1 year for the following "research" or "course" master's degree from an Australian honors degree in the related field, with an additional six months if following directly from a regular undergraduate degree and an additional six months if following from a degree in a field different, up to four years for an "extended" master's degree.
In the Qualification Fulfillment Framework for the European Higher Education Area defined as part of the Bologna process, the "second cycle" program (ie a master's degree) is typically 90-120 ECTS credits, with a minimum requirement of at least 60 ECTS credits at the second cycle level. The definition of ECTS credits is that "60 ECTS credits are allocated for learning outcomes and related workloads from full-time or equivalent academic years", so a European master's degree must last for a calendar year and two academic years, with at least one academic year of study at the master level. The Framework for Higher Education Qualification (FHEQ) in UK Wales and Northern Ireland level 7 qualifications and the FQHEIS 11 qualification qualification (graduate master's degree and integrated, with the exception of the MA from the ancient Scottish universities and the Oxbridge MAs) has been certified as fulfilling this requirement.
The Irish master's degree is 1 - 2 years (60 - 120 ECTS credits) for a taught degree and 2 years (not awarded a credit rating) for a research degree. It has also been certified as being compatible with FQ-EHEA.
Admission to a master's degree typically requires successful completion of studies at either undergraduate level (for a postgraduate degree) as a stand-alone degree or (for integrated degrees) as part of an integrated study scheme. In countries where a bachelor's degree with an honors degree is a standard bachelor's degree, this is often a normal entry qualification. In addition, students usually have to write personal statements and, in art and humanity, often have to submit a work portfolio.
In the UK, students typically need to have 2: 1 or 2: 2 for students who can provide evidence of their ability to successfully pursue a postgraduate degree for admission to a taught master course, and perhaps higher for a research master. Graduate schools in the US may require students to take one or more standardized tests, such as GRE, GMAT or LSAT.
Comparable European degree
In some European countries, a magister is a first degree and can be considered equivalent to a modern master's degree (eg), such as , German, Austrian and Polish universities Diplom/Masters , or a similar five-year diploma given in some subjects at the university, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, and other polytechnics).
After earning a Bachelor or Licenciate degree, students are eligible to continue their academic career through Master's Degree ("mestrado", in Portuguese, aka post-graduation stricto sensu) or Specialization ("especializaÃÆ'§ÃÆ'Â" £ o ", in Portuguese, alias lato sensu post graduation). In the Master's program there are 2-3 years postgraduate study. Usually focusing on academic research, a Master's degree requires, on any special knowledge area, the development of a thesis to be presented and maintained before the board of professors after the study period. In contrast, the Specialization Degree, also understands a 1-2 year study, but does not require a new thesis to be proposed and maintained, which is usually attended by professionals seeking complementary training in a particular field of their knowledge.
In addition, many universities in Brazil offer an MBA program. However, they are not equivalent to the US MBA degree, as it does not officially endorse students with a Master degree ( stricto sensu ) but with a Specialization Degree ( lato sensu i>) instead. The regular post graduation course must comply with a minimum of 360 class hours, while the M.B.A degree must meet a minimum of 400 hours of study. A Master's degree ( stricto sensu ) does not require minimum hours, but it is almost impossible to complete it before 1.5 years because of the necessary workload and research; the average time for a degree is 2.5 years. Specialties ( lato sensu ) and M.B.A. degrees can also be offered as distance education programs, while a master's degree ( stricto-sensu ) requires a physical presence. In Brazil, the degree often serves as an additional qualification for those who seek to differentiate themselves in the job market, or for those wishing to pursue a Ph.D. This corresponds to Cycle 2 of Europe (Bologna Process) or North American master.
Hong Kong
M.Arch., M.L.A., M.U.D., M.A., M.Sc., M.Soc.Sc., M.S.W., M.Eng., LL.M.
- Hong Kong needs one or two full-time courses to achieve a master's degree.
For part-time study, two or three years of study is usually required to achieve a postgraduate degree.
- As in the UK, M. Phil. or Master of Philosophy is a research degree awarded for the completion of the thesis, and is a shorter version of the Ph.D.
In the Pakistan education system, there are two different master's degree programs:
- 2 years master program: this is mostly Master of Arts (M.A.) leads to M.Phil.
- 4 year master program: this is mostly Master of Science (M.S.) leading to a Ph.D.
Good M.A. and M.S. offered in all major subjects.
In the Indian system, a master's degree is a postgraduate degree after a Bachelor's degree and precedes a Doctorate, usually requiring two years to complete. The available degrees include but are not limited to the following:
- Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.)
- Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.)
- Master in Engineering (M.Eng.)
- Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)
- Master of Science (M.Sc.)
- Master of Technology (M.Tech.)
- Master of Statistics (M.Stat.)
- Master of Laws (LL.M.)
- Master of Commerce (M.Com.)
- Master of Architecture (M.Arch.)
- Master of Veterinary Science (MVSc)
- M.A., M.Sc., M.B.A.: Postgraduate study in Israel requires completion of a bachelor's degree and depends on the value of this degree. There is also a direct path to a doctorate for graduate students, which lasts four to five years. Taking this route, students should prepare an initial research paper during their first year, they then must pass the exam after which they are automatically awarded a master's degree.
- M. Eng.: This is given by Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Compared to M.Sc., this is a non-thesis path.
In Nepal, after a bachelor degree of at least three or four years with full-time studies at colleges and universities with admission tests for people who want to learn more can study in masters and further a Ph.D. and doctorate. All doctorates and Ph.D. or a third degree cycle based on research and experience-oriented and results based. Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Arts (M.A.) and all courses related to law and medicine are studied after completing a successful bachelor's degree towards a doctorate. M.B.B.S. just a medical degree with six and a half years of medical doctor's generated study and need to complete his studies o 4 years joining period after a master's degree with minimum education with 15 or 16 years university bachelor degree education. The most professional and international programs in Nepal are as follows:
- Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.)
- Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.)
- Master in Engineering (M.Eng.)
- Master of Science (M.Sc.)
- Master of Science in Information Technology (M.Sc.I.T.)
- Master in Business Studies (M.B.S.)
- Master of Education (M.Ed)
- Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Master in Agricultural Science (M.Sc.Ag.)
- Master of Laws (LL.M.)
- Master of Management (M.M.)
In Taiwan, a bachelor's degree is about four years (with praise) and there are necessary entrance exams for people who want to study in masters and Ph.D. level. Courses offered for masters and PhD are usually research-based. The most friendly program of foreign students in Taipei, Taiwan is in:
- National University College of Management - Global M.B.A. (M.B.A. in Finance, Accounting, Management, International Business and Information Management)
- National ChengChi University - I.M.B.A.
The program is fully in English and tuition is less than what will be paid in North America, with at least US $ 5000 for MBA As an incentive to increase the number of foreign students, the Taiwanese government and universities have made an extra effort to provide a variety of quality scholarships available. This is a special university scholarship ranging from tuition waivers, to NT $ 20,000 per month. The government offers Taiwan Scholarships ranging from NT $ 20,000-30,000 per month for two years. (US $ 18,000-24,000 for a two-year program)
See also
- Associate Degree
- Undergraduate degree
- English abbreviation
- Diploma Override
- Doctor
- Education specialist
- Hold an engineer
- Euromaster
- European Joint Masters Degree in Economics
- Graduate school
- Licensed
- Master's degree list
- Master (degree)
- Master in Advanced Studies
- Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin)
- Master of Arts (Scotland)
- Master in Engineering
- Master of Laws
- Master of Science
- Master's degree in Europe
- Master's degree in North America
- A non-Euroamerican master's degree
- Master's Degree in Professional Science
- Terminal level
Source of the article : Wikipedia