Jumat, 06 Juli 2018

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Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness - Dr. Michelle Robin
src: www.drmichellerobin.com

" Life, Freedom, and the Pursuit of Happiness " is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. This phrase gives three examples of "irrevocable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and which governments are created to protect.

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The United States Declaration of Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson, and later edited by the Committee of Five, consisting of Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. It was further edited and adopted by the Second Continental Congressional Deliberation Committee on July 4, 1776. The second paragraph of the first article in the Declaration of Independence contains the phrase "Life, Freedom and the pursuit of Happiness".

"Rough draft original" Jefferson is being exhibited at the Library of Congress. This version was used by Julian Boyd to make Jefferson's draft transcript, which reads:

We hold this truth to be holy & amp; can not be denied; that all men are created equal & amp; independent, that of the same creation they obtain an inherent right & amp; can not be revoked, among them is the preservation of life, & amp; freedom & amp; chasing happiness;...

The committee of five edited Jefferson drafts. Their version survived further editing by all members of Congress, and read:

We hold this truth to be real, that all men are created equal, that they are blessed by their Creator with inalienable Rights, among them are Life, Freedom, and the pursuit of Happiness. ----

A number of possible sources or inspiration for Jefferson's use of the phrase in the Declaration of Independence have been identified, although experts argue the extent to which one of them really affects Jefferson. Jefferson proclaimed himself as Epicurean during his lifetime: it is a philosophical doctrine that teaches the pursuit of happiness and proposes autarky, which is translated as self-government, self-sufficiency or freedom. The biggest disagreements occur among those who suggest the phrase is taken from John Locke and those who identify other sources.

The meaning of "happiness"

There is a debate about what the word "happiness" means in 1776. Current use focuses on pleasant, positive emotions and has satisfying needs, whereas in 1776 the general meaning might be "prosperity, prosperity, prosperity".

Mock root hypothesis

In 1689 Locke argued in his book Two Treatises of Government that political society existed to protect property, which he defined as the "life, liberty, and real" person. In the Letter on Tolerance, he writes that judges' powers are limited to preserving one's "civil interests", which he describes as "life, liberty, health, and inertia, and outside possession." He states in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding that "the highest perfection of the intellectual property lies in the constant and constant pursuit of true and solid happiness."

According to experts who see Jefferson's roots in Locke's doctrine, Jefferson replaces "treasure" with "pursuit of happiness", though this does not mean that Jefferson means "chasing happiness" to refer primarily or exclusively to property. Under such an assumption, the Declaration of Independence would state that the government exists primarily for the reason Locke gave, and some have extended the line of thought to support the conception of a limited government.

Virginia Rights Declaration

The first and second article of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, written by George Mason and adopted unanimously by the Virginia Convention of Delegates on 12 June 1776, speaks of happiness in the recognizable and paradigmatic context of the Lockean right of the way in which "rights fundamental human foundations "were expressed at the time.

That all human beings are essentially free and independent and have certain inherent rights, where, when they enter into a state of society, they can not, by any compact, uproot or deprive their descendants; namely, the enjoyment of life and freedom, by means of acquiring and owning property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and security.

Benjamin Franklin agrees with Thomas Jefferson in disparaging "property" protection as the government's goal. It should be noted that Franklin found the property to be a "creature of society" and thus, he believed that it should be taxed as a way to finance civil society.

Alternative hypothesis

In 1628, Sir Edward Coke wrote in the First Section of the Lawes of England Institute, his commentary on Thomas de Littleton, that "It is generally said that three things are favored in Law, Life, Liberty, Dower." general law, dowry is kept strictly as the means used by widows and orphans of the deceased landowners to retain their true property.

Garry Wills argues that Jefferson did not take the phrase from Locke and that is indeed intended as a standard that should be assessed by the government. Wills suggested Adam Ferguson as a good guide to what Jefferson had in mind:

If, in fact, courage and a devoted heart in the good of humanity are the constituents of human eloquence, the good that is done to the happiness in the person from which it proceeds, not to the one whom it gives; and the greatest kindness possessed by men who have the fortitude and generosity can be given to fellow beings is the participation of this happy character. If this be the good of the individual, it is also like a human being; and virtue no longer weighs the task through which we are obliged to confer upon others the good of which we ourselves refrain; but presupposes, at the highest level, as ourselves, that the elegance we have to promote in the world.

The 17th century scholar and philosopher Richard Cumberland wrote that promoting the welfare of fellow human beings is essential to "pursue our own happiness". Locke never attributed natural rights to happiness, but his philosophical counterpart Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz made such an association in his introduction to Codex Iuris Gentium. William Wollaston's describes the "most correct definition" of "natural religion" as "Pursuing happiness by the practice of reason and truth". The English translation of Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui The Principles of Natural Law and Politics prepared in 1763 praised the "noble pursuit" of "true and solid happiness" in the opening chapter on natural rights. Historian Jack Rakove considers Burlamaqui as the inspiration for Jefferson's phrase.

Another possible source for this phrase is in Comments on English Law published by Sir William Blackstone, from 1765 to 1769, which is often cited in US law. Blackstone argues that God 'has a very close relationship, so inextricably intertwined the law of eternal justice with the happiness of each individual, that the latter can not be achieved but by observing the first; and, if the former is obeyed on time, it can not but push the latter. As a result of the mutual relationship between justice and human flexibility, it does not confuse natural law with abstract rules and teachings, which refers only to fitness or untruthfulness of things, as some have denied; but has graciously reduced the rules of obedience to the teachings of one father, "that man must pursue his own true and substantial happiness." This is the basis of what we call ethics, or the laws of nature. '

Maps Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Comparable motto worldwide

Other tripartite mottoes include "libertà © à ©, ÃÆ'  © galitÃÆ' ©, fraternitÃÆ' ©" (freedom, equality, brotherhood) in France; "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit" (unity, justice and freedom) in Germany and "peace, order and good governance" in Canada. It also resembles the lines in the Canadian Charter of Rights: "life, liberty, security of person" (this line is also in the older Canadian Bill of Rights, which adds "enjoyment of property" to the list).

This phrase can also be found in Chapter III, Article 13 of the 1947 Japanese Constitution, and in the declaration of independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam President Ho Chi Minh in 1945. An alternative phrase "life, liberty, and property", is found in the Colonial Declaration of Rights, a resolution of First Continental Congress. The Fifth Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution states that the government can not deprive anyone of "life, liberty, or property" without due process of law. Also, Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads, "Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and personal security".

Liberty by Kazi Henry
src: img.haikudeck.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
