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The Book of the Law Found.â€
src: www.fromoldbooks.org

Liber AL vel Legis ( Latin pronunciation: Ã, ['li: ) is the sacred text of Thelema's center, allegedly written from dictation by Aleister Crowley, although his wife Rose Edith Crowley is also known to have written two phrases into the text of the Book after the dictation his. Crowley claims it was dictated to him by a discarded entity named Aiwass. However, the three chapters are mostly written in the first person by the Thelemic Nuit, Hadith, and Ra-Hoor-Khuit gods respectively, not by Aiwass/Aiwaz.

Through the acceptance of Books , Crowley proclaimed the coming of a new stage in the spiritual evolution of humanity, known as "ÃÆ' â € on of Horus". The main teaching of this new aeon is the charge for "Do what you want".

The book contains three chapters, each of which is supposedly written in an hour, beginning at noon, on April 8, April 9, and April 10 in Cairo, Egypt, in 1904. Crowley says that the author is an entity named Aiwass, which he later refers to as his personal Holy Guardian Angel (analogous to but not identical to "Higher Self"). Biographer Lawrence Sutin quotes a personal diary that fits this story, and writes that "if Crowley speaks the truth of his relationship with Books ," his public account accurately describes what he remembers at this point.

Crowley himself wrote, "Some very serious questions have arisen in relation to the method by which the book was acquired, I am not referring to real-life or ostensibly-induced hostilities, since they are all omitted by studying texts, no counterfeiters can preparing a complex set of numerical and literal puzzles [...] "

This book is often referred to simply as Liber AL , Liber Legis or only AL , although technically the latter two refer only to the script.

Video The Book of the Law



According to Crowley, the story began on March 16, 1904, when he tried to "reflect Sylph" by using his innate Ritual to his wife, Rose Edith Kelly, while spending the night in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramids of Giza. Although he could not see anything, he seemed to be entering a light trance and repeatedly said, "They're waiting for you!" Since Rose is not interested in magic or mysticism, she is not that interested. However, on the 18th, after he summoned Thoth (god of knowledge), he mentioned the name of Horus as the one who waited for him. Crowley, still skeptical, asks many questions about Horus, which he answers accurately without having to study the previous subject:

  1. Force and Fire (I asked her to describe her moral qualities.)
  2. Dark blue light. (I asked him to describe the conditions he was causing.This light is quite clear and unique, but of course his words, though a fair description of him, may be the same for others.)
  3. Horus. (I asked him to choose his name from the tenth dotted list.)
  4. Get to know her figure as it appears. (This refers to the striking scene at the Boulak Museum, which will be discussed in detail.)
  5. Know my past relationship with God. (This means, I think, that he knows I have taken his place in the temple (See Equinox Vol. I, No. II, Neophyte Rituals of GD) etc., and that I never once asked for it.) Li>
  6. Knowing his enemy. (I asked, "Who is the enemy?" Answer, "Water troop - Nile." He does not know Ancient Egypt - or anything.)
  7. Know the line and color figure. (Possible 1/84.)
  8. Know where it is at the temple. (A 1/4 chance, at least.)
  9. Know the weapon (from the list 6.)
  10. Know the nature of the planet (from the list of 7 planets.)
  11. Find the number (from the list of 10 units.)
  12. Selects him out of (a) Five, (b) Three indifferent symbols, i, e, arbitrary. (This means that I settle in my own mind that says D of A, B, C, D, and E must represent him and that he then says D.)

We can not be too insistent on the extraordinary character of this identification Calculate the odds! We can not find mathematical expression for testing 1,2,4,5, or 6, but 7 other tests give us: 1/10 x 1/84 x 1/4 x 1/6 x 1/7 x 1/10 x 1/15 = 1/21,168,000
Twenty-one million one against it through half a trial!

Crowley also gives a different chronology, where the prayer of Horus precedes the question. Lawrence Sutin says that this ritual describes Horus in detail, and can give Rose the answer to her husband's questions.

As part of a 'test' for Rose, Crowley claims they visited the Bulaq Museum where Crowley asked him to show him the picture of Horus. Much of Crowley's early entertainment, he passed through some common images of the gods, and went upstairs. From across the room, Rose identifies Horus over the inscription Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu, then placed under inventory number 666 (since moving to the Egyptian Museum of Cairo, number A 9422). The stela would then be known to Thelemites (Thelemaists) as "Stele of Revealing."

On March 20, Crowley summoned Horus, "with great success". Between March 23 and April 8, Crowley has a hieroglyph on a translated inscription. Also, Rose reveals that her "informant" is not Horus herself, but her messenger, Aiwass.

Finally, on April 7, Rose instructs Crowley - for three days he will enter the "temple" and write down what he hears between noon and 1:00 pm.


Crowley said he wrote the Book of the Law on 8, 9 and 10 April 1904, between noon and 1pm, in the flat where he and his new wife lived for their honeymoon, which he described as near Boulak Museum in modern Europe in Cairo, left by Congdon & amp; Co Apartments are on the ground floor, and the "temple" is the living room.

Crowley described the meeting in detail at The Equinox of the Gods, saying that when he sat at his desk in Cairo, Aiwass's voice came from above his left shoulder at the furthest corner of the room. This voice is described as passionate and hasty, and "from deep, musical and expressive timbre, the tone is serious, exciting, gentle, fierce or something else according to the mood of the message, not the bass - maybe a rich tenor or baritone. "Furthermore, the voice has no" original or foreign accent ".

Crowley also got a "strong impression" from the general appearance of the speaker. Aiwass has a body consisting of "fine material," which has transparency like a screen. Furthermore, he "looks a tall and dark man in his thirties, diligent, active and strong, with the face of a savage king, and veiled eyes in case their gaze should destroy what they see." The dress is not Arabic; suggest Assyria or Persia, but very vague. "

Although initially writing that it is "an excellent example of automated writing," Crowley then insisted that it was not just automatic writing (although writing included these aspects, because when Crowley tried to stop writing he was forced to continue.) The writing also recorded Crowley's own thoughts ). Instead he said that the experience was exactly like the voice that actually spoke to him. This results in some transcription errors, which are then requested by the author.

Notice, moreover, with what pride do I claim to be a writer even from all others A? A? Books in Class A, though I write them are inspired beyond anything I know. But in these Books, Aleister Crowley, an English teacher in both prose and verse, participated so far. Compare those Books with the Book of the Law! The [first] style is simple and sublime; the image is very beautiful and perfect; the rhythm is smooth and intoxicating; themes interpreted in a flawless symphony. No grammatical errors, no phrase inflection. Every book is perfect in its kind. I, dare to take credit for this [...] dare to claim claim to have touched the Book of the Law, not with my smallest fingertips.

He also acknowledged the possibility that Aiwass could be identified with his own subconscious mind, though he thought this was impossible:

Of course I write it, ink on paper, in a material sense; but they are not my words, except Aiwaz is considered nothing more than an unconscious person, or part of it: in that case, my conscious self becomes ignorant of the Truth in the Book and hostile to most ethics and philosophy. from the Book, Aiwaz is a very depressed part of me. Such a theory would further imply that I, unknown to myself, possess all kinds of knowledge and praeternatural powers.

Former Secretary of the Crowley Israel Regardie, on the other hand considers this statement by Crowley no real objections to Aiwass being part of Crowley's unconscious mind, claiming that:

It can be safely said that the current psychological theory would agree that everyone has all kinds of knowledge and strength that he is completely unaware of... Both Freudian and Jung's theories are on the side of such assumptions...

In the introduction to his edition The Law is for All , Israel Regardie states:

It really makes little difference in the long run whether The Book of the Law is dictated by [Crowley] by a prethemic intelligence named Aiwass or whether it comes from the deep depths of Aleister Crowley. The book was written. And he became a spokesperson for the Zeitgeist, accurately expressing the intrinsic nature of our time as no one else has done so far.

Crowley himself initially opposed his book and message. "I'm trying to forget the whole business."

The fact is that I hate the Book of the Law with all my soul. For one thing, it hit my Buddhism entirely in the head.... I strongly oppose the principles of the Book at almost every point of morality. The third chapter to me without thinking.

Shortly after making several copies for evaluation by close friends, the manuscript was misplaced and forgotten. It would be several years before it was discovered, and the first official publication took place in 1909.

The Book of the Law upset me; I am still obsessed by the idea that secrecy is necessary for magical documents, the publication will destroy its interests. I am determined, in a mood that I can only describe as suitable sadness, to publish the Book of the Law , and then get rid of it for good.

Changed manuscript

The latest version of Liber Legis includes text that does not appear in the original, including many minor changes to the spelling. In some cases, the steleza of the Stele of Revealing is inserted in the text.

Chapter 1

For example, chapters 1, page 2, line 9 are written as "V.1 Mantra called Song" and replaced by:

On page 6 of chapter 1, the following is in the original:

And that mark will be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the undesirable non-atomic facts of my universality. along with note: Write this with whiter words But continue.

This is then changed to:

And that mark will be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the madness of my body. (AL I: 26)

Again in chapter 1, on page 19, Crowley wrote, (Lost 1 phrase) My star form is - . Then, Rose who filled the missing words:

Five Pointed Star, with Middle Circles, & amp; the red circle. (AL I: 60)

Chapter 3

The last chapter contains some spelling changes, and includes large pieces that are inserted from Crowley's paraphrase of The Stele of Revealing.

The phrase "Force of Coph Nia", found in chapter 3, on page 64 (v. 72), is filled by Rose Kelly because the place in the manuscript is incomplete because Crowley had not heard it during the proper dictation. Israel Regardie proposes that Koph Nia be meant to represent Ain Soph, the Cabalistic phrase for Infinity, and that Rose may not know that the Hebrew letter is written from right to left or its meaning.


Although the "messenger" of Liber AL is Aiwass, each chapter is presented as an expression of one of the three forms of deities: Nuit, Hadith, and Ra-Hoor-Khuit.

The first chapter is spoken by Nuit, the Egyptian night sky goddess, called the Queen of Space. Crowley calls him "Lady of the Starry Heaven, which is also Matter in its deepest metaphysical sense, which is infinite in whom we live and move and have our being."

The second chapter is spoken by Hadit, who calls himself "Nu supplement", his wife. Thus, it is an infinitely condensed point, an infinite center of circumference. Crowley said of him, "He is the eternal energy, Infinite Motion of Things, the core center of all beings.The universe manifested comes from the marriage of Nuit and Hadit, without this can not happen.This lasting, this eternal marriage-the feast is the nature of the thing itself, and therefore, everything that exists is "the crystallization of divine ecstasy", and "He sees the expansion and development of the soul through joy."

The third chapter is spoken by Ra-Hoor-Khuit, "God of War and Revenge", also identified as Hoor-paar-kraat, Crown Prince and Conqueror.

Crowley summarized the speakers from the three chapters, "we have Nuit, Space, Hadit, point of view, congress of this experience, and produce Heru-Ra-Ha, which combines Ra-Hoor-Khuit and Hoor -paar-kraat ideas. "

This book also introduces:

  • The Beast (The Great Beast 666, TO MEGA THERION, Aleister Crowley) See Therion (Thelema)
  • Scarlet's woman, also known as Babalon, Mother of Abomination
  • Ankh-af-na-khonsu (historian associated with the Stele of Revealing)

Maps The Book of the Law


Thanks largely to The Comment, the interpretation of a text that is often vague is generally considered by Thelemite a problem for individual readers. Crowley wrote about Liber AL in great detail for the rest of his life, apparently trying to solve the mysteries he possessed.

The emancipation of mankind from all limitations is one of the main teachings of the Book.

Aiwass, pronouncing Thelema (with all its implications), completely destroyed the formula of the Dying God. Thelema not only implies a new religion, but also new cosmology, new philosophy, new ethics. It coordinates the discovery of disconnected science, from physics to psychology, into a coherent and consistent system. The scope is so wide that it is impossible to even signal the universality of its application.

Symbolism "Aeon Baru Anak"

The child is not only a symbol of growth, but a full and innocent moral independence. We can then expect the New Aeon to release man from the pretense of altruism, his obsession with his fear and his consciousness of sin. He will not have an awareness of the purpose of his own existence. It is impossible to persuade him that it should be subject to unfathomable standards; it will suffer seizures of temporary arousal; it will be very sensitive to pain and suffer meaningless terror; it will be totally unfeeling, cruel, helpless, affectionate and ambitious, without knowing why; it will have no reason, but at the same time be intuitively aware of the truth. I may go on indefinitely to mention the psychological stigma of the child, but the reader can do the same for himself, and any idea that comes to him as a characteristic of children will attack him as applicable to historical events since 1904, from the Great War on Prohibition. And if he has the capacity to understand the language of symbolism, he will be staggered by the sufficiency and accuracy of the summary of New Aeon's spirit given in The Book of the Law.

Qabalah from Legal Kit

The common method Crowley uses to interpret the obscurity of Liber AL is Qabalah, especially the gematria numerology method. He writes, "Many cases such as multiple meanings, paronomasia in one language or another, sometimes two at the same time, numerical-literal puzzles, and even (on one occasion) the relationship that illuminates letters in various lines by scratching thunder, found in the Qabalistic section of the Commentary. "In Magick Without Tears he writes:

Now there was enough understanding at the time to convince me that the Author of the Book knew at least as much as the Qabalah as I did: I then found it more than enough to convince him without error that he knew more, and that from an entirely higher order , than I know; finally, bright lights like time and desperate studies have been thrown at many other obscure parts, to leave no doubt in my mind that he is indeed the highest Qabalist of all time.

He considers the various gematic values ​​of certain key words and phrases, which overlap between English, Greek, and Hebrew, as evidence of the origin of pre-order books.

... he claims to be a statement of transcendental truth, and has overcome the difficulty of expressing such truth in human language by what really amounts to the invention of new methods of communicating the mind, not just a new language, but a new kind of language; a literal and numerical cipher involving the Greek and Hebrew Cabbalas, the highest mathematics, etc. He also claims to be an enlightened mind utterance together with the main ideas composed of the universe.

How can he prove that he is actually a creature better than the human race, and has the right to speak with authority? Obviously he must show KNOWLEDGE and POWER as no one has ever known.

He shows his main KNOWLINESS especially with the use of passwords or cryptograms in certain passages to establish the facts of reconciliation, including some events that have not yet occurred, in such a way that no human may be aware of them; thus, the proof of his claim is in the text itself. It does not depend on human testimony. The lesson of these excerpts necessitates high human scholarship to interpret them - it takes years of intense application. Much remains to be done. But enough has been found to justify his claim; the most skeptical intelligence is forced to acknowledge the truth. This is best studied under the Master Therion, whose difficult years of research have led him to enlightenment. On the other hand, the language of most of the Book is very simple, clear and powerful. No one can read it without getting lost in the core of its existence. POWER Aiwass greater than man is influenced by the influence of his Master, and the Book, upon actual events: and history fully supports his claims. These facts can be understood by everyone; but better understood with the help of Master Therion.

The existence of true religion presupposes that some people put aside intelligence, whether we call him God or anything. And this is precisely what science has never proved scientifically. And this is what the Book of the Law proves with internal evidence, totally independent of my statement. This evidence is clearly the most important step in science that might be possible: it opens up new avenues for knowledge. The extraordinary superiority of this particular intelligence, AIWASS, to others by which man has been in conscious communication, is shown not only by the character of the book itself, but by the fact that he understands perfectly the nature of the evidence necessary to demonstrate the fact of his own existence and condition of existence. And, furthermore, after providing the necessary evidence.

Prophecy of the Book

Crowley will then consider the next event in his life, and the real fulfillment of certain 'predictions' of the book, as further evidence:

The author of the Book of the Law foresees and imposes all the trouble by incorporating in the discovery of texts that I have not only done for many years thereafter, but do not even have machines to make them. Some, in fact, depend on events that I can not produce.

One such key event was Charles Stansfeld Jones who claimed the Magister Templi class, which Crowley regarded as the birth of his 'Wonder Child'. Crowley believes that Jones went on to "discover the Key of it all" as prophesied in the book (II: 76, III: 47). Crowley believes that Jones's discovery of critical value 31 gave Crowley further insights into his understanding and his qabalistic interpretation of the book. Upon receiving notice of this discovery, Crowley replied:

\ = 418. "You do not know." Your key opens the Palace. CCXX has opened like a flower. All solved, even II.76 & amp; III.47. Do you know ? = 3.1415 93 ? And oh! much more!

The Book of the Law Found.â€
src: www.fromoldbooks.org


Based on several sections, including: "My writer Ankh-af-na-khonsu, the priest of the princes, can not in one letter change this book; but let there be no ignorance, he will comment later by the wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Qur" I: 36), Crowley felt compelled to interpret AL in writing. He wrote two sets of great tafsir in which he sought to decipher each line.

However, he is not satisfied with this effort. In 1912, he prepared the AL and his current comment to be published in The Equinox, I (7). He recalls in his confession (p.674) that he thought the comments were "shameful and incomplete." He then explains, "I foolishly regard this Comment as a scientific exposition of the Book, an explanation of its ambiguity and a demonstration of its pre-existent origins." I finally understood that this idea was unreasonable.The comment must be an interpretation of the Understandable Book to the Most Mind simple, and as practical as the Ten Commandments. "Moreover, this comment must arrive" inspiratively, "as the Book itself did.

Years later in 1925 when in Tunis, Tunisia, Crowley received his inspiration. He published the Comments in the edition of Tunis AL , of which only 11 copies were printed, and the so-called The Comment (also called the Tunisian Short Comment or Commentary), and signed it as Ankh-fn-khonsu (lit. "He Live in Khonsu" - a historical priest who lived in Thebes in the 26th dynasty, linked to the Stele of Revealing). It advises the reader that the "study" of the Book is forbidden and states that those who "discuss the content" should be shunned. It also shows that the book was destroyed after the first reading.

Crowley then assigned his friend and fellow O.T.O. member Louis Wilkinson by preparing an edited version of Crowley's comment published some time after Crowley's death as The Law is for All.

Josiah and the Book of the Law 2 Kings 22: ppt video online download
src: slideplayer.com

Skeptical interpretation

Former Secretary of the Crowley Israel Regardie argues in his biography of Crowley, Eyes in the Triangle , that Aiwass is an unconscious expression of Crowley's personality. Regardie states that although Crowley initially regarded Aiwass as one of the secret chiefs, years later he came to believe that Aiwass was his own holy patron angel. Regardie argues: "If Aiwass is the Self, then his conclusion is none other than that Aleister Crowley is the author of the Book, and that he is an external mask for different hierarchical personalities... The Crowley man is the lowest step of the hierarchical ladder, the leather the outermost of God, even like all of us, the persona of the Star... He is the author of the Book of the Law even as he is the author of The Book of Hearts Girt with the Snake and Liber Lapidis Lazuli , and so on... these last books reveal a dialogue between the parts of the Crowley component.It seems that I'm basically this Liber Legis is no different. " Regardie also notes the similarities between the Book of the Law and these last holy books, as the inclusion of the phrase "long-winded, incomprehensible", some disgusting by reason by their absurdity, and their thunderous goatish qualities " In 1906 Crowley wrote: "It surprised me - in connection with reading Blake that Aiwass, etc." Forced and Fire "is a very thing I do not have." My conscience "is really a barrier and a delusion, a survival offspring and education. "Regardie considers this to be an" inspiring confession "and argues that because of Crowley's early religious training he developed a super-rigid or over-rigid conscience.When he rebelled against Christianity," he must have missed qualities and characteristics contrary to his. In the Book of the Law the desire is fulfilled. " The Book of the Law is therefore" the fulfillment of colossal wishes. "Regardie notes that the rejection of the Book of Judao-Christian customs is fully consistent with the values ​​of the" Crowley's own moral and religious values ​​and that in this sense "it is His Book." Furthermore, although Crowley admits initially to object to the Book's content, Regardie says that he can not see what Crowley might object to.Regardie refers to Crowley's statement in 1909: "I want desecration of religion, murder, rape, revolution, anything, bad or good, but strong", and show that the Book of the Law conveys all these things.

He also argues that Rose's ability to answer Crowley's questions about Horus and Qabala is not as famous as Crowley claims. Rose has been married to Crowley for eight months at this time and Regardie states that Crowley may have used Rose as a 'soundboard' for many of his own ideas. Therefore, he may not be as stupid as magic and mysticism as Crowley continues.

Charles R. Cammell, author of Aleister Crowley: The Man, the Mage, the Poet also believes that Book is a Crowley expression of personality:

The mind behind the maxim is cold, cruel, and tireless. Mercy is absent, there is no comfort; or please keep in the eerie messengers service of these Egyptian gods. That is Liber Legis in the letter and spirit; and thus, and in consideration of how it is received, it is an interesting document. That some (only partially) is an emanation of Crowley's unconscious mind that I can trust; because it has a resemblance to his own Daemonic personality.

Journalist Sarah Veale also argues that Aiwass is an external part of Crowley's soul, and to support this hypothesis quotes Crowley himself saying:

Ah, you realize that magic is something we do for ourselves. But it is easier to assume the objective existence of an angel who gives us new knowledge than to state that our prayers have raised the supernormal power within ourselves. "(Kaczynski, 542).

Veale also showed similarities in the rhythmic style between the Book of the Law and some of Crowley's own writings that were not distributed. In Magick in theory and practice , Crowley claims that invoking "barbaric names" in the iambic tetrameter is very useful. Many of his own poems are written in an iambic tetrameter, like a quote from "The Riddle", a poem for his ex-boyfriend Jerome Pollitt:

Veale states that there are other similarities in the style of writing besides the use of the same poetic tool. The fact that the allegedly embarrassing intelligence happened to have the same style of writing as Crowley suggests that Aiwass might be just part of Crowley's unconscious mind.

Scholar Joshua Gunn also argues that the style similarity between Crowley's poetical books and writings is too good to be anything other than Crowley's:

Although Crowley truly believes that the Book of the Law is inspired by the superhuman intelligence, cliché image, superfluous style, and excessive ecophonic look too similar to Crowley's other poetic writing to be the product of something supernatural.

Aleister Crowley's Liber AL vel Legis The Book of the Law ...
src: i.ytimg.com

Structure and Title

The technical title of this book is Liber AL Vel Legis, sub figura CCXX, as submitted by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI , although this title never appears in the Book itself, which refers to itself as the "Book of the Law" and the "Threefold Book of the Law" (ch. 1:35, 3:75). CCXX is 220 in Roman numerals, representing The Tree of Life (10 times the number 22 path), and is the number of Scripture passages in the manuscript. XCIII is 93, the second computation of the word "law" Thelema and Aiwass. DCLXVI is 666, Crowley's number as Great Beast both as Adept and Magus. This is a way of saying that the book was delivered by Aiwass (numbering 93 and 418) to Crowley, who is The Beast 666.

However, the facsimile text of the Book is not numbered 220, but XXXI (31) as the first chapter chapters are not numbered in the original manuscripts: that is, there is no dictated number to Crowley for chapter one. Both editions are titled by Crowley AL, pronounced "El", value 31, so because Liber 31 is a script of the Law Book called AL (not necessarily confused with Liber 31 by CS Jones (Frater) Achad) , which is an exegesis of some qabalistic symbolism of the Book, while the Liber 220 is edited (strictly in accordance with the dictated editing instructions as part of the text of the Book itself), the print form of the text: see < i> The Equinox of The Gods for full account by Crowley from the acceptance and publication of Books according to this internal instruction.

The original title of the book is Liber L vel Legis . Crowley translated it Liberal vel Legis in 1921, when he also gave his own title handwriting script, Liber XXXI .

(The full technical title of this text is: "AL (Liber Legis), Book of Law, sub figura XXXI, as presented by 93 - ???? - ?????? - 418 to ????? - ?? ???? ?????? 666 ".)

Free Bible images: The book of God's laws is found in the temple ...
src: media.freebibleimages.org


  • Issue 1925 Tunis, only 11 copies were printed
  • The Order of Templi Orientis, London, 1938, published in private (US edition 1942, though dated 1938)

The original manuscript of the Book of the Law was sent to Crowley's death to Karl Germer, the executor of his will and the head of A? A? On the death of Germer, the trail can not be found in his papers. There were things that took a break until 1984, when Tom Whitmore, the new owner of a house in Berkeley, California, began searching for the garbage left in the basement by the previous owner. Among the worn-out mattresses, wood, and high school textbooks are two boxes of various paper and newspaper clippings related to Germer affairs, the O.O. and envelopes containing the script The Book of the Law . Whitmore donated the paper to O.T.O. How they found their way into the basement of Berkeley remains a mystery.

  • Weiser Books (Reissue Edition; May 1987; ISBNÃ, 0-87728-334-6)
  • Weiser Books (100th Anniversary Edition; March 2004; ISBNÃ, 1-57863-308-7)
  • Thelema Media (100th anniversary edition; (limited edition skin tied: 418 copies); March 2004; ISBNÃ, 1-932599-03-7)
  • Mandrake of Oxford (April 1992; paperback; ISBNÃ, 1-869928-93-8)

Liber AL is also published in many books, including:

  • The Equinox (III: 10) . (2001). York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser. ISBNÃ, 0-87728-719-8
  • Thelema of the Bible (Equinox III: 9). (1983). York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser. ISBNÃ, 0-87728-579-9
  • Magick: Liber ABA, Book Four, Part I-IV. (1997). York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser. ISBNÃ, 0-87728-919-0

Source of the article : Wikipedia
