Kamis, 28 Juni 2018

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The fathers rights movement has evolved in many countries. This article provides details about father rights movements in certain countries.

Video Fathers' rights movement by country


Fathers' advocacy groups began in Australia in the 1970s with the establishment of organizations such as the Lone Fathers Association. Other well-known groups include Equality for Father, Father Against Discrimination, Dad in Difficulty, Father Without Rights, Men's Confraterity and Parent Councils. Like other fathers' rights activists, the Australian organization focuses on the problems of family unit erosion, custody, access, child support, domestic violence (including false accusations, and violence against men), child abuse, maintenance, reintroduction of cesarean into the divorce process, the court system of bias and hostilities and confidentiality issues. The group has succeeded in gathering media, as well as influences on politicians and legal reforms. On 22 May 2006, Australia ratified the "Family Amendment Act (Joint Parental Responsibility) Act 2006" to make both parents responsible for decisions about their child through the concept of 'equal parental responsibility'. The law requires courts to consider orders that children spend the same amount of time as each parent in certain circumstances, but the Act does not state that the court should order that children spend the same time with each parent. While Dad's in Distress expressed his appreciation of the Act as a small step in the right direction and concerns about whether the change would be taken seriously by Family Law Practitioners and Barry Williams, the national president and founder of the Lone Fathers Association, stated, "I think this new law will be the best in 30 years ", The Men's Confraternity welcomed the change but also expressed uncertainty and stated that the Act does not" force the Court to view parents as equal. "

The Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) was established in Australia in 1998. The party's website states that the core policy focuses on family law issues and child support reform. The Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) is currently registered as a political party with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC).

Human rights groups in Australia have condemned the actions of militant groups of men involved in criminal activities, including stalking and harassment.

Maps Fathers' rights movement by country


Since Sep 2006, Belgian federal law on "co-parentsÃÆ'Â ©" came into effect. It introduces the presumption of multiple locations or shared residencies that by law should be seriously considered and a thorough investigation with priority in each individual case by Belgian family courts and judges at the request of one of separately divorced parents. Direct court access can also be requested by one parent, when additional strengthening orders are required.

The Selfless Servant Leadership of the African-American Women of ...
src: www.thenation.com


In an effort to pass legislation that creates an arguable presumption for parenting, some rights groups of fathers launched an act in the Canadian Federal Court to overturn the provisions of child custody of the federal Divorce Act which claims that the judicial test used to decide people the elderly get custody of bias against the father, thus violating discrimination based on the sexual provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, as well as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Canada has several fathers' rights organizations, mostly political in nature to lobby for long-term changes to Divorce acts. www.OttawaMensCentre.com provides resources for fathers including lawyer referrals to handle classic cases of alienation and false allegations.

The Canadian Equal Parenting Council, a coalition of 40 member organizations and affiliates around the world stated that they are pleased with the proposed amendment to Divorce Law to make a presumption for equal parenting.

The Incredible Lost History of How “Civil Rights Plus Full ...
src: theintercept.imgix.net


There are at least two registered associations in Finland with a focus on father rights: the Association for Equality of Men (established 2009) and the Fathers Association for Children (established 2012). The first works for gender equations in general from a male point of view. The latter focuses on maintaining the bond between father and children after the divorce. Father for Children does not approve of parental exile irrespective of parental genders trying to alienate children from other parents.

A Moment for Movement on Guns - WSJ
src: si.wsj.net


Separation of parents has no effect on the rules governing the granting of parental authority. Parental authority continues to be implemented jointly unless it is in the interest of the child, the exercise of this authority should be entrusted to only one parent.

There are 117 national and regional French organisms Promoting relative equality after the separation of the child custodyÃ, SOS Papa since 1990. Please Papas (http://svppapa.e-monsite.com/) LPLM (The Papas The MamansÃ, = http://www.lplm.fr/) EgalitÃÆ'  © parents (http://www.egaliteparentale.com/) Brave ÃÆ'  © Galita parents for our children (http://pourlegaliteparentale.org/liens.php).... and Collective Yellow crane since Feb 2013.

The newest one was made after 2 fathers riding on 2 yellow and gray storks in February 2013 in Nantes and trying to gather mom, dad and grandparents.

Both are members of the PEF Platform for European fathers (the first through SOS Papa Nord Picardie)

Seigenthaler wishes his dad could've been at RFK celebration
src: www.gannett-cdn.com


In Germany, one parent may apply to a family court for sole custody. The court will approve such an application if they decide the abolition of joint custody and the transfer of custody to one parent is in the best interest of the child.

Unmarried father; To obtain "Joint Custody" (and any real rights concerning children) is possible through marriage or by a mother signing a joint custody declaration or since May 2013 by applying to the court. Single custody (for dads) is of course unrealistic under German family law today. The German Supreme Court (Bundesverfassungericht) has decided on July 21, 2010 that the actual Family Law is contrary to the German Constitution. For a very detailed explanation of the legal situation, see the German Wikipedia page;

Joint detention can be defeated when parents disagree. See the decision of the Constitutional Court 1 BvR 738/01 of 1 March 2004, paragraph II. 1. a) The third sentence is translated into English as: "Parent co-responsible exercise presupposes decent social relationships between parents and requires a minimum level of agreement between them." If one parent refuses to cooperate, the court changes custody together into sole custody. The law governing the choice of parents who receive sole custody is based on "the best interests of the child". Non-parental cooperation is not a factor when determining "the best interests of the child" and therefore which parent receives sole custody. Parents may refuse to work together to force decisions that support single custody and then qualify to win sole custody after refusing to cooperate with other parents.

Mathieu Carriere, a famous German actor, who after his mother and her only eight-year-old daughter-in-law sued her for allowing several newspapers to publish pictures of Carriere with her daughter, decides to refuse to pay a 5,000 euro fine in relation to the lawsuit instead of announcing publicly that he will be serving a 10-day prison sentence to support the campaign for equal rights for both parents after divorce or separation.

There are many small to medium-sized organizations that are created to advocate for the change of rights such as Blauer-Weihnachtsmann.de, VÃÆ'¤teraufbruch.

Her Father Championed Jewish Refugees. She Finances the Anti ...
src: theintercept.imgix.net


1,000,000 divorced fathers live in Greece. With today's Greek family civil law, there is almost no choice to share or join parents among parents in divorce cases. In 98% of these cases, Greek judges decided against father and ordered that mothers would have exclusive parenting. The SYGAPA unic association with 35,000 members, held many activities for equality between parents and to change Greek civil law. In 2013Greek father still expect real equality from politicians. They have created a "European Social Movement" covering all European countries.


The SYGAPA Association www.sos-sygapa.eu with President Nicolas Spitalas has changed the mentality and its 35,000 members support action: 2003: mediation, 2004: Scientific action, 2005: International Forum, 2006: Congress, 2007: activist action, 2008: Organization in Thessaloniki , 2009: Conference in Drama, 2011: Activity in Larissa, 2012: Book publication, 2013: proposition for family law, 2014: presentation of professor Nicolas Spitalas (1: Parental Divorce Social Movement and 2: History divorced person). The SYGAPA Association changes in Political Parties: EUROPEAN SOCIAL MOVEMENT and in Greece: THE SOCIAL MOVEMENT OF GREECE (E.K.K.). On European elections (2007-2012) and Parliamentary elections: 2015.

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Parents who share can not be requested by one parent, are not regulated. The Family Court should 'place the children' and should suspend the rights of other parents after the divorce/separation. Any other formation requires a mutual agreement between parents. Equally shared parenting and unjust divorce result in a 0.1% penetration of divorce cases each year. The judge does not seek any form of equality regarding the legal status, economic situation, or division of family labor of the parents.

In principle, during divorce or separation, the state eliminates the presence and attention of one parent and the sharing of the other parents of the children. In other words, divorce in the Dual Carer Double Carer family means a 100% increase in the child's upgrading fee for one parent.

The main organization is non-political, called the Divorce Father Association, Hungary (ADF), founded in 1989 when NGOs became possible again after 40 years. ADF has Prof. MiklÃÆ'³s HernÃÆ'¡di, author, as honorary president. The current slogan is "ApÃÆ'¡k ÃÆ'¶sszefognak gyermekeikÃÆ' Â © rt" (The Fathers Unite for Their Kids). ADF's activities include protests, media events, petitions, it offers Fathers'Day programs and free legal counseling.

A group of activist fathers called the EurocsalÃÆ'¡d Working Group was formed in 2005 focusing on the legal security of the division of parent and family labor. The joint petition was followed by a demonstration of a father protesting the almost impossible legal access to equal parenting (For the Law of Mind and Heart, 2008). The movement became active on the international scene: a dad meeting called ESP-WG 2010 was held at the Mercure Hotel Korona, Budapest with guests from 4 countries with the aim of joining the efforts of isolated local NGO fathers into EU level movements for equal parenting. Only 16 months later, the Platform for European Fathers (PEF) was founded by 11 member states in Brussels.

Modern civil rights movement expands on classic methods
src: www.latimes.com


India is not a signatory to the Hague Convention for child custody cases.

Parents of Equal Together Children

Share childhood

Father's number

India's non-detention parent association

Child rights initiatives for common parents

See the male rights movement in India

See Dowry law in India.

The Spirit of the Women's-Rights Movement in a 1933 Film - The New ...
src: www.newyorker.com


Shared divisions are usually only given by courts where children are not a contentious issue and there is widespread consensus about their parenting education, etc. Responsible Party of Fathers for the Irish election in 2007. John Waters of The Irish Times often advocated the improvement of father rights in his weekly circular.

Intercepted Podcast: Guns Before Country
src: theintercept.imgix.net


For developed countries with democratic political institutions, Israeli society is renowned for its high birth rate and the tendency of natalists, for a parallel family court system in the Israeli Judicial Court and for its diverse origins and ideologies including radical feminism and orthodox fundamentalism. Although the majority religion of Judaism has a patriarchal tradition, mothers enjoy an enhanced prominence promoted by the Knesset Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality. Compared to well-funded feminist organizations, human rights groups and men, political efforts and the media have become poor, small and sporadic.

Father rights activists have been unsuccessful in Knesset elections, both within their failed parties such as Human Rights in the Family Party and on a joint list. There are many protests, demonstrations, and marches against alleged discriminatory divorce laws and gender-biased family court practices. In 2014, calls to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights resulted in UN condemnation of Israel for discrimination against divorced fathers. Several civil suits in US courts have been filed by Israeli fathers against Israeli justice and family social services and women's organizations accusing human rights abuses. In particular, Israeli fathers rights activists have protested the Tender Year Clause (which by 2016 was slightly altered in the Knesset) and family court practices to grant custody of the children to the mother in all cases except the extraordinary.

Additional calls for reform include: high levels of child support and support imposed regardless of economic capacity; loss of freedom of movement by using liberal exit-out orders that prohibit fathers (including non-delinquent father) from leaving the country unless it guarantees all future support of the child with a deposit of money or survey; the prevention of gender bias against domestic abuse laws that are abused by divorcing women to expel fathers from their homes and severing their ties with their children - in addition to the release of women's law from prosecution for filing false accusations; promotion of parental seclusion, and; high-level fathers are forcing to see their children in supervised visits "contact centers" for false claims about child abuse.

About child custody law, in 2008 the Ministry of Justice appointed the Schnitt Commission, chaired by Professor Dan Schnitt, a majority report recommending that joint custody be the default setting. On January 19, 2012, then Justice Minister Yaakov Neeman announced that he received the findings of the Schnitt Commission. A weakening amendment comes into force in 2016. The adoption and application of trials is rarely reported in the Spring 2017.

Similarly, child support law was changed in November 2014 after recommendations from the Shiffman Commission to consider the income of both parents. Several court decisions have divided child support between the two parents, but the rabbinical religious court opposes this non-traditional rule.

This is a war
src: cdn.opendemocracy.net


On May 18, 2007, Fathers Fleet members protested to affirm their claim that only women have rights after divorce. The delegation met with Equal Opportunity Minister, Barbara Pollastrini, who promised support.

Civil rights movement, led by Martin Luther King Jr., spread ...
src: www.nydailynews.com


Father's Rights in Japan (FRIJ) and the Rights Network for Japanese Children [2] campaigned to change the current legal position which enabled the abduction of children by mothers without legal compensation. [3] K Net campaigned in Japanese.

Women's rights movement in Iran - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org


The joint detention in Spain is known as custodia compartida (collective custody). Recent changes in regional law in Spain, such as at Aragon, establish joint custody as a preferred regime. In 2009, 84.1% gave custody to their mothers, 5.6% for fathers and 9.6% granted joint custody. The Father's Rights in Spain (CCPMI) is a movement that supports equal rights and obligations in raising and educating children after divorce or separation.

New Zealand

Members of the father's rights movement raise awareness of the need for joint nurturing in New Zealand by sponsoring award-winning websites, holding meetings, and protesting publicly from their War-4-Kids carts. New Zealand's father sponsors a website that offers advice to help the father succeed in family courts.


The movement of fathers in the Netherlands began in the late 70s of the previous century after the introduction of the law of impartiality divorce combined with the practice of single parent family care that placed children in the care of single parents, especially mothers without provision of access in family law to also protect and secure the care and contact of children from and with their fathers. During the first decade, several initiatives, groups, and organizations emerged and then disappeared again. In 1989, "Stichting Kind en Omgangsrecht" (The Netherlands Foundation for Children and Access) was formed, which was renamed in 2003 to "Stichting Vader Kennis Centrum" (The Fathers Knowledge Center Foundation of the Netherlands).

In May 2007 the Dutch father and the equal parenting organization discussed the Dutch Parliament with the Joint Manifesto to draft a law for equal parental prejudice (in Dutch: 'gelijkwaardig ouderschap') in Dutch family law. As a result, in the change of Dutch family law in 2009, 'The right for children to be cared for and raised by their parents equally' was introduced by a constitutional majority vote in the Dutch Parliament to support an equivalent parenting amendment passed by the Dutch Socialist Party SP). However, since then the practice of familycourt providing single parent care to most mothers has remained largely unchanged. This is in fact a classic case and an example of conservative families and judges who engage in 'legislative practice of the bench' by neglecting most of it than interpreting and implementing new laws as adopted by the Dutch parliament in 2009.


The Law on Children was introduced in 1981. Several changes have been made since then, no later than 1 January 2009. The letter of law is very similar to that of Germany. The Family Activist Movement began to become a force in Norway in the mid-1980s by introducing the F2F (Foreningen 2 Foreldre). Currently F2F by most Norwegian activists is considered a political organization that speaks in accordance with what the government wants as its official truth, that mothers are best suited to single parents. However, some researchers in Norway found that mothers are actually more dangerous for their children than fathers.

In 2004, the first Men's Day (7 October) was held in Oslo. Only the Gender Equality Ombud was represented and addressed the Stortinget (Parliament) in 2004. All other public institutions, including the Ombud for Children, refused to participate. Extreme radical feminist organization, Ottar has tried to make fun of the Men's Day, but there are still Family Activists who make it the official day to debate the Children, the Rights of Men and Fathers.

In 2006 the Far og Barn [Father and Child (ren)] organization began. Later that year another family organization in Norway was founded. Familiestiftelsen was founded in December 2006 partly after the Swedish model. Familiestiftelsen uses the Swedish Pappa-Barn logo.

In 2010 Far og Barn began


The Polish Dad wanted a denied argument for joint nurturing in Polish law. There is a new legal project that is actually being prepared. The Polish parliament must get past it.

Organization of Active Fathers is Stowarzyszenie Prawo Dziecka DzielnyTata.pl, Inicjatywa Spo? Eczna Porozumienie Rawskie PorozumienieRawskie.pl, Rodzice Pomorza and web portal www.opiekarownowazna.pl. These groups are actively highlighting their claims that only women have rights after divorce. Delegates work in the Senate and Parliament to pass a new parenting law.


There are two organizations of "fahters" in Romania. Historically, the first organization built was Alian? A Na? Ional? a ta? ilor din RomÃÆ'nà ¢ nia (known as ANTR). This is followed by Alian? A Antidiscriminare a Tuturor T? Ticilor (known as TATA, which means "father" in Romanian). Both organizations have been relatively inactive in recent years. One of the major successes of TATA is the recognition of Father's Day by Romanian law. In 2009, the Romanian Association for Joint Oversight (known as ARPCC or Asocia? He RomÃ?  ¢ n? Pentru Custodia Comun?) Was built. Rather than focusing on the "right dad" ARPCC positioned as a gender-neutral organization focused solely on best practice on custody (main focus on training for specialists, jurisprudence gathering and lobbying for changes in legislation) ARPCC has some success in its relationship with the state. authority: Amendment of the Child Protection Act in Romania (UU 257/2013) and several other measures to unify jurisprudence. One last achievement is the influence on jurisprudence that considers the alienation of parents. Parental alienation training was delivered several times to Family Law Judges and as a result the alienation phenomenon is relatively well known in the Courts of Romania. The ARPCC continues to be very active on the landscape of "joint nurturing" and "alienation"


If one parent wants a change in custody, the question of detention may be decided by the court. The same applies to questions where parents who will live together and how access to other parents should be regulated. In the divorce proceedings, in addition, the court must, in the absence of a claim, grant child custody to one parent if joint custody is not fully compatible with the child's welfare. This law, passed in 2006, has resulted in a significant majority of all court cases in which sole custody is requested, granted to the mother.

If a child is born to an unmarried mother, her mother obtains sole custody automatically unless she chooses to, in her sole discretion, consent to joint custody. \

In Sweden there are four organizations that fight for the rights of fathers in custody disputes. http://www.minpappa.nu (the largest immediately with 4000 members) revealed that 4 out of 5 fathers were discriminated against by courts because mothers received sole custody. They also revealed a court in Sweden, in Lund, which does not grant custody to any father. Pappa-Barn, http://www.pappa-barn.se/is one of the most famous lobbying organizations in Sweden with a large membership of fathers and mothers who support equal gender rights in custody. http://www.pappaliv.se is another large lobbying organization with over 1000 members. http://www.minpappa.nu is a smaller organization located in southern Sweden and more beneficial for dads who need help.

Parental Alienation and Alienate Parent Syndrome are not known to Swedish courts and psychologists. The Alliance fÃÆ'¶r Barnen is a social initiative to connect interdisciplinary scholars into the network of competencies involved in informing political decision-makers in Sweden, Scandinavia and Europe on Foreign Orangutans (PAD). This condition, created by Professor William Bernet, Professor of Psychiatry at Vanderbilt University, USA, is defined as one of several forms of emotional child abuse. It has been active since the late 70s in the media by publishing articles in the media (Svenska Dagbladet, BrÃÆ'¤nnpunkt: Lumbia røtt to tvÃÆ'  ¥ fÃÆ'¶rÃÆ'¤ldrar - "Children's rights for two parents ", Dec 27, 1979), at Swedish Radio (P1: Tendens ), and, more recently in the social debate media Newsmill ( Ny Lag behÃÆ'¶vs to stÃÆ'¶d fÃÆ'¶r barn som berÃÆ'¶vas sina pappor - "New laws are needed to support children deprived of their fathers")

United Kingdom

The father's rights movement in Britain consists of various groups, from charities, self-help groups to civil disobedience activists. This movement can be traced to the establishment in 1974 The Need Fathers family, although the organization does not see itself as a father's rights organization, shows that its primary focus is on the right of children to have meaningful relationships with their fathers. FNF provides self-help support groups, promotes research into parenting, and lobbying for political change in the family law system in the UK. It has been credited with some success. The Establishment of Father 4 Justice in 2003 brought the cause of father's rights to public attention with a high profile stunt with members dressed up like superhero comics and other easily recognizable characters for the scale of public buildings and monuments. Over time their protests became increasingly controversial, and internal disputes divided groups. It was dissolved briefly in January 2006 following suggestions that Prime Minister Tony Blair's son would be abducted briefly, despite further protests by the F4J splinter group, 'Real F4J' and New Fathers 4 Justice, have taken place. Fathers 4 Justice reformed in May 2006 Fathers 4 Justice. Other fathers rights activists have been criticized for harassment, threats and illegal activities, including fraud. In the UK, fathers rights groups have advocated changes to the Child Support Act including child support, shared care and access to children and a lack of enforcement of court orders. The pressure of the father's movement has affected the British Government, which published the Bill (Bill) and Adoption draft in February 2005 aimed at expanding the judge's power in dealing with parents who prevent their ex-spouses from seeing their children.

Bob Geldof reports that of the approximately 15,000 cases of custodians settled in family courts every year, only 7% of fathers in the UK are allowed to live with their children, and that 4 out of 10 fathers lose all touch with their children permanently. He reported that the family court thought it was very unhealthy for a man to articulate his love for his children. He stated that 1 in 4 children live in single parent homes, children who grow without their fathers are 5 times more likely to be unemployed and 3 times more likely to engage in crime, 80% of all social housing is for parents' families single, and taxpayer fees for orphans at least £ 15 billion per year.


The father's rights movement in Turkey emerged with the founding of the Divorced Fathers in Istanbul in 2006 to create awareness of Parental Alienation, Parental Alienation Syndrome. The movement has protested the Turkish family law, which they show, discriminates against men in childcare, benefits, child support settlements and in the presumption of maternal care. They ask for legitimate shared custody and joint physical custody as well as new laws that reflect more child visits. They also demanded better enforcement of the child's visitation rights and highlighted that it was against the human rights and rights of children in the United Nations to enforce the right of child visits by defining children as a matter of law and requested to transfer responsibility for the enforcement of rights the visit of the Child to the Family and the Department of Social Policy to provide a humanistic method.

They have formed different groups to organize their activities and improve their voice on PA (Parental Alienation) and PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome). These groups are called the Divorce Academy "Bosanmis Babalar Platformu". Aggrieved Fathers "Magdur Babalar" and The Divorce and Family Platform "Bosanmis Babalar ve Aile Platformu". As a result of the movement, A Sub-Committee assigned by the Turkish Parliament and representatives of the platform has had serious sessions and has written a report to be given to Parliament to make the necessary changes to the Turkish Family Law to recognize and protect the following rights.

Joint Prisoners of Law

Physically Joint Detainees

New enforcement to ensure the right of child visits

New enforcement and new measures to prevent Alienation of Parents

United States

The US paternal rights movement came into being with the founding of the Busters Divorce Divorce in California in 1960 to protest California divorce laws that they claim discriminated against by men in benefits, child support settlements and in the presumption of maternal care. The group expanded to other countries, changing its name to Divorce Reform in 1961. With the increasing divorce rate in the 1960s and 1970s, more and more grassroots local male organizations grew up for divorce reform, and in the year 1980s, there are a total of more than 200 active dad rights groups in almost every state. These groups focus their actions on what they perceive as sex discrimination in family law, engaging in political activities such as lobbying the state legislature, filing class action lawsuits, filing courthouses, and monitoring judge decisions through "courts". The 1990s saw the emergence of new and larger organizations such as the National Fatherhood Initiative and the American Fathers coalition. Several attempts have been made to establish national organizations that may belong to local paternal rights organizations, but this is difficult to achieve. As a result, the movement remained primarily a loose coalition of local groups.



Source of the article : Wikipedia
