The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act S. 2588 [Congress 113], S. 754 [Congress 114]) is a United States federal law designed to "improve cybersecurity in the United States through increased information sharing on cybersecurity threats, and for other purposes ". The law allows the sharing of Internet traffic information between the US government and technology and manufacturing companies. The bill was introduced in the US Senate on July 10, 2014, and ratified in the Senate on October 27, 2015. Opponents questioned the value of CISA, believing it would transfer responsibility from private businesses to the government, thereby increasing the vulnerability of private personal information, as well as disseminating personal personal information in seven government agencies, including the NSA and local police.
The text of the bill was submitted by amendment to the consolidated spending bill at the US House on December 15, 2015, which was signed into law by President Barack Obama on December 18, 2015.
Video Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act
The Cybersecurity Security Information Sharing Act was introduced on July 10, 2014 during the 113th Congress, and was able to pass the Senate Intelligence Committee in a 12-3 vote. The bill did not reach full senate vote before the end of the congress session.
The bill was reintroduced to Congress 114 on March 12, 2015, and the bill was ratified by the Senate Intelligence Committee in a 14-1 vote. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, (R-Ky) seeks to attach the bill as an amendment to the annual National Defense Authorization Act, but is blocked from 56 to 40, not reaching the 60 votes necessary to include amendments. Mitch McConnell hopes to bring the bill to senate-wide elections during the week of August 3-7 but can not take the bill before the summer recess. The Senate tentatively agreed to limit the debate on 21 specific amendments and the amendment of a manager, but did not set a time limit in the debate. In October 2015, the US Senate recanted the law following a law on asylum cities.
Maps Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act
The main provisions of the bill make it easier for companies to share personal information with the government, especially in the case of cyber security threats. Without the need for such information sharing, the bill creates a system for federal agencies to receive threat information from private companies.
In connection with privacy, the bill includes provisions to prevent well-known data sharing actions personally identified and irrelevant to cyber security. Any personal information that is not deleted during the sharing procedure can be used in various ways. These shared cyber threat indicators can be used to prosecute cybercrimes, but can also be used as evidence of crimes involving physical strength.
Business and trading groups
CISA has received support from advocacy groups, including the United States Chamber of Commerce, National Cable & amp; Telecommunication Association, and Round Table Financial Services.
A number of business groups also oppose the bill, including Computer & amp; Communications Industry Association, as well as individual companies such as Twitter, Yelp, Apple, and Reddit.
BSA (The Software Alliance) initially appeared in support of CISA, sent a letter on July 21, 2015 urging the senate to bring the bill for debate. On September 14, 2015, the BSA issued a letter of support for, among other things, cyber threat information sharing laws addressed to Congress, signed by Adobe board members, Apple Inc., Altium, Autodesk, CA Technologies, DataStax, IBM, Microsoft, Minitab, Oracle,, Siemens, and Symantec. This encourages the digital rights advocacy group, Fight for the Future, to organize a protest against CISA. Following this opposition campaign, the BSA stated that its letter stated support for legislation sharing cyber threats in general, but did not support CISA, or cyber threat-sharing bills specifically. The BSA then declares that it is against CISA in its current form. Computers & amp; The Communications Industry Association, another major trading group including members such as Google,, Cloudflare, Netflix, Facebook, Red Hat and Yahoo !, also announced its opposition to the bill.
Government officials
Supporters of CISA include major cosponsors of bills, senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Richard Burr (R-NC).
Several senators have announced their opposition to the CISA, including Ron Wyden (D-OR), Rand Paul (R-KY), and Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) objected to the bill based on a secret legal opinion from the Department of Justice written during the early George W. Bush administration. The Obama administration declares that it does not depend on the legal justification contained in the memo. Wyden has made repeated requests to the US Attorney General to declassify the memo, which was at least as far back as the Office of Inspector General 2010 report cited the memo as a legal justification for the FBI unsecured wire hatching program.
On 4 August 2015, White House spokesman Eric Schultz backed the law, calling on the senate to "take the bill as soon as possible and pass it on".
The US Department of Homeland Security initially supported the bill, with Jeh Johnson, DHS secretary, calling for the bill to move forward on Sept. 15. However, in the August 3 letter to the senator Al Franken (D-MN), the deputy secretary of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, expressed a desire to have all connections brokered by DHS, given the Department's charter to protect the executive branch network. In the letter, DHS found the problem by sharing information directly with all government agencies, instead suggesting that DHS be the sole recipient of cyberthreat information, allowing it to rub personal information. In addition, the Department of Homeland Security has published a Privacy Impact Assessment detailing the proposed internal systems review to address the incoming indicators of the Industry.
Civil liberties group
Privacy advocates were shocked in October when the Senate passed the Cybersecurity Security Information Sharing Act by voting 74 to 21, leaving behind a full section of the law they say makes it easier to be watched than real security while quietly disarming some of the privacy protections the remaining. CISA has been criticized by Internet privacy advocates and civil liberties, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union. This has been compared to Cyber's proposed Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act excluded in 2012 and 2013, endorsed by the United States House of Representatives, but has not passed the Senate.
Similar laws in different countries
British government policy: cyber security
The Scottish Government's Information Division
See also
- Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
- Chinese intelligence operation in the United States
- Communication Help for Law Enforcement Act
- Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002
- The country's freedom of information law
- Actions Attach Intellectual Property
- National Security Agency
- Vulnerability Equity Process
External links
- S.2588 - Cyber ​​Security Information Sharing Act from 2014,, Library of Congress.
- "The Cybersecurity Security Information Act will help protect us", Dianne Feinstein, San Jose Mercury News , July 21, 2014.
- Forbes: Controversial Cybersecurity Bill Known as CISA Progress From Senate Committee, Gregory S. McNeal, July 9, 2014.
- Democracy and Technology Center: Analysis of Cybersecurity Security Information Act, Gregory T. Nojeim and Jake Laperruque, July 8, 2014.
- - CISA Bill Security Escapes Senate With Disability Unsecured Privacy ANDY GREENBERG AND YAEL GRAUER Oct 27, 2015
- [1] 2010 to 2015 government policy: cyber security
Source of the article : Wikipedia